
JUnit XML reporter for speclj. Primarily useful for test reporting in continuous integration tools.

Primary LanguageClojure


speclj-junit is a plugin for speclj that formats output using ant's junit xml format. This format is commonly used by continuous integration tools.


Add the following to your project.clj under the :dev profile:

:dependencies [[speclj-junit "0.0.10"]]

Speclj 2.7.x or later is required.


Add -f junit to lein spec to output spec results in Ant's JUnitReport task format.

lein spec -f junit

This will write a junit.xml file to target that is suitable for integration with Jenkins and such.


  • Make output file configurable


Many thanks to Paul Gross for his speclj-growl project for a great example of writing speclj plugins.


Copyright (C) 2015 Julias Shaw

Distributed under the The MIT License.