Farandula Quantum Research Repository

Topics to research:

  • Basic web-app
  • Git workflow
  • Tests workflow
  • Deployment

Basic web-app

The content of this topic can be found in the web-app directory.

A basic web application implemented with a ReactJS front-end and:

  • A Java (Spring) back-end
  • A Ruby (on Rails) back-end
  • A Javascript (Node) back-end

The front-end looks like this:


The user must be able to type a name on the input field:


The user must be able to click the button to send the name to the backend, then the backend should respond with a message, and the frontend should display it on the page:


The backend should implement a RESTful API accepting a name parameter and responding with the following JSON:

  message: "Hello <name>, from <backend>"

where <name> corresponds to the one entered in the text input field, and <backend> corresponds to either Spring, Ruby on Rails, or Node.

Git workflow

The content of this topic can be found in the git-workflow directory.

  • Explore the Git Flow plugin for using a standard way of branching features, bug fixes, etc.
  • Document how to do Pull Requests in GitHub using the Git Flow workflow.
  • How to integrate code reviews with the Pull Request mechanism.
  • If possible: How to automate testing and deployment with GitHub.

Tests workflow

The content of this topic can be found in the tests-workflow directory.


The content of this topic can be found in the deployment directory.

  • Heroku deployment: dev branch (stage) & release branch (release).
  • Maybe use Docker to minimize configuration problems for the team.
  • One script for build -> test -> deploy