
NXTprotocol is mostly self-contained, but it does use the following: libcurl, zlib, nacl http://nacl.cr.yp.to/install.html and of course libwebsockets: http://libwebsockets.org/trac/libwebsockets

On ubuntu -lz -lcurl nacl/randombytes.o nacl/libnacl.a will get it to link

On a mac, you need to modify the link.txt file in libwebsockets/lib/Cmakefiles/test-server.dir and add libcurl.dylib nacl/randombytes.o nacl/libnacl.a

You might have to install nacl and generate all the nacl files, only a few are actually used (as of now)

Change the following line in libwebsocketsglue.h to a path on your computer NXTPROTOCOL_HTMLFILE "/Users/jl777/NXTprotocol.html" The NXTprotocol.html file is what is displayed when is accessed. It is currently very primitive but shows how to interface to the websockets.

You also need to copy the test-server.c file into the actual libwebsockets/test-server directory

If all goes well, it should just build


More stuff added: http://invisible-island.net/datafiles/release/cdk.tar.gz http://libtom.org/ has lots of useful crypto and other algos http://basyl.co.uk/code/punch/doc/files/Readme-txt.html