RabbitMQ plugin for Dokku

Project: https://github.com/progrium/dokku


  • Docker version 0.7.2 or higher
  • Dokku version 0.2.1 or higher


cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone https://github.com/jlachowski/dokku-rabbitmq-plugin.git rabbitmq
dokku plugins-install


$ dokku help
    rabbitmq:create <app>                         Create a RabbitMQ container for <app>
    rabbitmq:clone <app> <trg>                    Clone RabbitMQ container of <app> for <trg>
    rabbitmq:rebuild <app>                        Rebuild RabbitMQ container of <app> (keep persistend data)
    rabbitmq:delete <app>                         Delete specified RabbitMQ container for <app>
    rabbitmq:info <app>                           Display <app> RabbitMQ container informations
    rabbitmq:link <app> <rabbit>                  Link an app to a RabbitMQ container
    rabbitmq:list                                 Display list of RabbitMQ containers
    rabbitmq:logs <app>                           Display last logs from <app> RabbitMQ container


  • fix volumin delete (fix access rights)
  • improve creation time
  • add peristent logs


This is partially based on the dokku redis plugin: https://github.com/luxifer/dokku-redis-plugin