

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

## How to build tests and examples


## How to run CD tests:

for dev in $(ibstat -l); do
    GTEST_SHUFFLE=1 IBV_TEST_DEV=${hca} tests/ibv_cc_test;

## How to run CD tests w/ valgrind

valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes tests/ibv_cc_test

## Running the tests

The 'recursive doubling barrier' and the 'ping pong latency test' can be run launched via 'mpirun' as follows:

    mpirun -np $np   ./examples/ibv_cc_barrier --debug=0 --size=8 --np=$np --iters=1000 --warmup=0 --test=barrier
    mpirun -np $np   ./examples/ibv_cc_barrier --debug=0 --size=8 --np=$np --iters=1000 --warmup=0 --test=latency

Recursive Knomial barrier on RoCE with managed send (MQ=1) with knomial radix 2 (MPI used only for connection data exchange):
    N=2; PPN=8; mpirun -n $((N*PPN)) -hostfile ./hosts --display-map --npernode $PPN --bind-to core -mca pml ob1 -mca btl self,sm,tcp -x CC_IB_DEV=mlx4_0 -x CC_IB_PORT=1 -x CC_RADIX=2 -x CC_USE_MQ=1 -x CC_ROCE=1 install/bin/ibv_cc_barrier --size=128 --np=$((N*PPN)) --test=barrier_rk --debug=1 --iters=5000 --warmup=1000 --check=0

There are two available control environment variables:
CC_IB_DEV  - specifies the device to be used (e.g. export CC_IB_DEV=mlx5_0)
CC_IB_PORT - specifies the port to be used (e.g. export CC_IB_PORT=1)

Running the 'cc2_pingpong test' 

# this test assumes 4 clients connect to the server.  

export EXE_RDMA=/full/path/to/cc2_rdma_pingpong
export EXE_SEND=/full/path/to/cc2_send_pingpong

Server:  taskset -c 0 $EXE_RDMA -d mlx4_0 -s 8 -n 2000
Client:  for i in 0 2 4 6 ; do eval "taskset -c $i $EXE_RDMA  -d $HCA -s 8 -n 2000 $SERVER &" ;done


Server:  taskset -c 0 $EXE_SEND -d mlx4_0 -s 8 -n 2000
Client:  for i in 0 2 4 6 ; do eval "taskset -c $i $EXE_SEND  -d $HCA  -s 8 -n 2000 $SERVER  &" ;done