
Wrote this for an Enterprise environment that has both Windows 7 and WIndows 10 Computers. It works (atm) for both. Something quick and dirty if I needed to replace a remote client, and wanted to get a list of the installed software.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Wrote this for an Enterprise environment that has both Windows 7 and WIndows 10 Computers. It works (atm) for both. Something quick and dirty if I needed to replace a remote client, and wanted to get a list of the installed software.

You Canz Halp!!


I threw up a new website, if you like this script, like any of my blog stuff, please share. I'm in the market for a new home, a new challenge, a new place to automate. So you can help a brother out by sharing some of this content, the sites content, or just the site itself. I would super preeeesh, and it would help me out a lot. Or if you want me to look at any of your work, or help troubleshoot, let me know! ::I'll remove any mention of ya, unless you are cool with me blogging about it. If that's ok, I'll let you review before I post it. Just let me know how to mention or "call back" at ya.::