
Ansible to set up hosts for OpenStack Ansible Deployment (OSA/OSAD)


OpenStack Ansible Host Prep

The OpenStack-Ansible project has specific requirements for host layout and networking. This project, OSA Host Prep, automates most of this required configuration, prior to running OpenStack Ansible.

This is confirmed working for OpenStack Newton on Ubuntu 16.04. Your mileage may vary if you try deploying other versions/distros.


  • host-credentials.yml is broken in Ansible 2.2 (bug submitted to Ansible). Workaround is to install Ansible 2.1
  • APT mirror role is broken for Ubuntu 16.04 but not needed at all (just makes the deployment faster). Either fix APT mirror role or rip it out as it's not strictly needed.
  • Make cinder LVM/iSCSI stuff explicitly optional if another storage back-end (e.g. Ceph) will be used
  • Why do we "copy master's private key to all hosts" in the host-credentials role? This seems to violate the security guideline of not spreading SSH private keys to other hosts.
  • We should not disable host key checking. learn host keys from MAAS
  • Perhaps automate the process of manually connecting to each host, accepting the initial host key (checking against host key from MAAS installation), and copying deployer's public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Document how to populate TARGET_HOSTS dictionary of group_vars/all
  • I think APT mirror role is overloaded, there should be a separate role/task to deploy sources.list to the target hosts, then APT mirror role can be Galaxy-ized
  • Give the host groups a consistent naming convention
  • Automate some manual steps: the network connectivity testing, the partitioning of the LVM volume on the cinder node, and the disabling of the firewall
  • Why does OpenStack recommend a hardware load balancer for production? The HAProxy+keepalived arrangement seems fine.

Deployment requirements

This Ansible code will handle most of OSA's requirements, but you should still familiarize yourself with the host layout and networking requirements.

Overview: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/newton/install-guide/overview.html Installation requirements: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/newton/install-guide/overview-requirements.html

Host Layout

This repository leverages the OSA host layout exactly, execpt for the following differences:

  • The Deployment Host requires identical host networking as all OSA nodes, so instead of using a separate machine, we use one of the Infrastructure Control Plane Hosts, i.e. infra1.
  • Instead of a hardware load balancer, we use HAProxy and Keepalived on the Infrastructure Control Plane Hosts which resides on the host-level operating system of those hosts
  • OSA does not deploy Elasticsearch + Kibana, and neither does this project. This is not required, but if desired, it must be implemented separately.
  • We DO use the Block Storage Host, so account for that.


Host Networking

Host networking: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/newton/install-guide/overview-network-arch.html

Configuring the switching fabric between hosts is up to you, but is straightforward. Suggestions:

  • Three VLANs for the networks required for OSA (container management, tunneling, and storage)
  • Another (perhaps untagged) VLAN for the host management network. The HAProxy external IP address, which provides access to Horizon Dashboard and API endpoints, can also use this subnet.
  • Identical switchport configurations for each host

Deployment Guide

Prepare for OpenStack Deploy

  1. Get Ansible on your deployment host.
sudo su
apt-get install software-properties-common
apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
apt-get update
# Passlib is also required to set root passwords
apt-get install ansible python-passlib

Ensure that you can SSH to all of the target hosts using SSH key authentication, and that you have accepted their host keys into your known_hosts file. In other words, if you haven't done so already, generate an SSH keypair on your deployment host, copy it to each of the target hosts' authorized_keys files, and test passwordless SSH connection from the deployment host to each target hosts.

  1. Clone this repo to your deployment host, and populate the Ansible inventory file (ansible/inventory/hosts) with the actual hostnames and IP addresses of your target hosts. If you want to use a separate inventory file that is stored elsewhere, change line 17 of the ansible/ansible.cfg file to point to that host file, e.g.:

    hostfile       = <your-private-repo-here>/ansible/inventory/hosts
  2. Prepare host networking by determining interfaces and IP addresses, and populating the ansible/inventory/group_vars/all with IPs and other variables. If you are storing your hosts file somewhere else, consider storing the group_vars folder alongside it.

You can use the following commands to retrieve the network interfaces and IP addresses of your target hosts, for reference:

ansible target-hosts -m shell -a "ip addr show" > all-interfaces.txt

cat all-interfaces.txt | grep -v "$(cat all-interfaces.txt | grep 'lo:' -A 3)"
  1. Set OSA_VERSION in group_vars/all to the appropriate branch or tag of the Openstack-Ansible project, or leave the default.

  2. Create apt-mirror by editing the mirror host group in the ansible/inventory/hosts in this directory and running the playbook below. This role currently deploys a broken sources.list to target hosts running Ubuntu 16.04. Skip this step until the role is fixed. An APT mirror is not strictly required.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/apt-mirror.yml
  3. Create and set credentials for all nodes for cases where manual console login is required to fix networking. (If there is a problem with the networking configuration, you need a "backdoor" into systems.)

    ansible-playbook playbooks/host_credentials.yml
  4. Set up host networking for VLAN tagged interfaces and Linux Bridges.

    1. One might consider running the below command with the CLI argument: --skip-tags restart-networking and manually checking hosts to ensure proper configuration, then running ansible target-hosts -m shell -a "ifdown -a && ifup -a" to bounce the interfaces.
    ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_networking.yml
  5. Test basic connectivity after network configuration

    1. Basic Tests from the deployment host

      ansible target-hosts -m ping
      ansible target-hosts -m shell -a "ip a | grep -v 'lo:' -A 3"
      ansible target-hosts -m shell -a "ifconfig | grep br-mgmt -A 1 | grep inet"
    2. Further manual testing (Login to a node to test bridges)

      # Where X = low range and Y = high range.
      X=<low-last-octet-ip>;Y=<high-last-octet-ip>;nmap -sP 172.29.236.${X}-${Y}
      X=<low-last-octet-ip>;Y=<high-last-octet-ip>;nmap -sP 172.29.240.${X}-${Y}
      X=<low-last-octet-ip>;Y=<high-last-octet-ip>;nmap -sP 172.29.244.${X}-${Y}

    For the following, remove/add 172.29.${subnet}.Z as needed if your IP range is non-contiguous

     interface="br-mgmt" ; subnet="236" ; for i in 172.29.${subnet}.{X..Y} 172.29.${subnet}.Z;do echo "Pinging host on ${interface}: $i"; ping -c 3 -I $interface $i;done
     interface="br-vxlan" ; subnet="240" ; for i in 172.29.${subnet}.{X..Y} 172.29.${subnet}.Z;do echo "Pinging host on ${interface}: $i"; ping -c 3 -I $interface $i;done
     interface="br-storage" ; subnet="244" ; for i in 172.29.${subnet}.{X..Y} 172.29.${subnet}.Z;do echo "Pinging host on ${interface}: $i"; ping -c 3 -I $interface $i;done
  6. If using LVM backing for Cinder, manually partition Block-storage node's LVM Volume:

    /sbin/parted /dev/sd<device> -s mklabel gpt
    /sbin/parted /dev/sd<device> -s mkpart primary 0% 100%
    /sbin/parted /dev/sd<device> -s set 1 lvm on
    /sbin/parted /dev/sd<device> -s p
  7. Configure and prep all nodes including deployment node for OSA deploy

    1. If this role is to take care of LVM creation for cinder-volumes be sure to enable (i.e. uncomment) the CINDER_PHYSICAL_VOLUME.create_flag in ansible/inventory/group_vars/all
    ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_targets.yml
  8. To ensure a easy install, be sure to disable ufw or any other firewall like iptables on all OpenStack nodes BEFORE deploying OSA, as it could cause the install to hang, or fail.

    ansible target-hosts -m shell -a "ufw disable"

Deploy OpenStack using OpenStack-Ansible

  1. If SSH on the hosts are configured with a port other than port 22, this ~/.ssh/config must be used on the deployment host. Replace all fields containining < > and <SSH-PORT> sections

    Host 172.29.236.<IP-RANGE-HERE>?
        User root
        Port <SSH-PORT>
    Host 172.29.236.<INDIVIDUAL-IP-HOST-HERE>
            User root
            Port <SSH-PORT>
    Host *
            User root
            Port 22
  2. Login to deployment node, and start filling out the configuration files (or symlink to files stored somewhere else if you already have them)

    cd /etc/openstack_deploy/
    cp openstack_user_config.yml.example openstack_user_config.yml
    vim openstack_user_config.yml
  3. Follow documentation to populate configuration files here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/newton/install-guide/configure.html

  4. Begin filling out configuration file with br-mgmt IPs for each host to be used. DO NOT use the host's physical IP address.

  5. Fill out openstack_user_config.yml and user_variables.yml

  6. Generate OpenStack Credentials found here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/newton/install-guide/configure.html

    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/scripts
    python pw-token-gen.py --file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml
  7. Configure HAProxy found here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/liberty/install-guide/configure-haproxy.html#making-haproxy-highly-available (update this for Newton!)

From here, this guide more-or-less follows the OSA installation docs. We probably shoudln't maintain parallel documentation.

  1. Check syntax of configuration files: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/liberty/install-guide/configure-configurationintegrity.html

    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/
    openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml --syntax-check --ask-vault-pass
  2. Hosts file

  3. Run Foundation Playbook: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/liberty/install-guide/install-foundation.html#running-the-foundation-playbook Consider --skip-tags=mail if you already have sendmail installed and don't want Postfix (e.g. at CyVerse).

    time openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml --ask-vault-pass
  4. Run infrastructure playbook found here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/install-guide/install-infrastructure.html#running-the-infrastructure-playbook

    time openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml --ask-vault-pass
  5. Manually verify that the infrastructure was set up correctly (Mainly a verification of Galera): http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/install-guide/install-infrastructure.html#verify-the-database-cluster

. /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc ansible galera_container -m shell -a "mysql -h localhost -e 'show status like "%wsrep_cluster_%";'"


lxc-ls | grep galera

lxc-attach -n infra1_galera_container-XXXXXXX

mysql -u root -p

show status like 'wsrep_cluster%';

# ^^ That command should display a numeric cluster size equal to the amount of infra-nodes used.
  1. Do not proceed if the galera cluster size is not equal to the amount of infra-nodes used, as it could cause deployment issues. Be sure to resolve before proceeding to the next step.

  2. Run the playbook to setup OpenStack found here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/install-guide/install-openstack.html#running-the-openstack-playbook

    time openstack-ansible setup-openstack.yml --ask-vault-pass

What now?

Now that you have a running cloud, other things need to be set up in order to use OpenStack.

For steps on how to do this, see post-deployment.

Troubleshooting Tips

Dynamic Groups

OSA uses dynamically created groups of hosts and containers for targeting. To see a list of groups, run the following from the deployment host:

source /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/activate
/opt/openstack-ansible/scripts/inventory-manage.py -G

Viewing Logs

Viewing Ansible run logs

Check /openstack/log/ansible-logging on the deployment host. :)

Viewing logs from services provisioned by OSA

lxc-attach to the rsyslog container on your logging server, and look in /var/log/log-storage. Everything that logs to rsyslog, including most of the services that OSA sets up, will end up here.

LXC Container commands


Deploying OpenStack Liberty -- everything below should be either worked into above sections or deprecated


5 minimum required nodes, 1 optional node for cinder LVM (if not using Ceph)

3 - Control Plane
1 - Logging
1 - Compute
1 - Cinder

You must run OSA from a deployment host which has access to all subnets and VLANs in your deployment. This can be one of the primary infrastructure / control plan hosts.


Networking diagram and description found here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/liberty/install-guide/overview-hostnetworking.html

Required VLAN Tags

In order to deploy OpenStack using OSA, 4 total VLAN Tags are required.

Role Description Number
Native Native tag used within your subnet 100
Container Tag for container management network 101
Tunnel Tag for tunneling network 102
Storage (Optional) Tag for cinder storage network 103

Target Host

Required Network bridges

  • lxcbr0 - NAT for LXC (Created Automatically)
  • br-mgmt - Target host management (connected to bonded interface bond0/Primary eth adapter)
  • br-storage - Segregated traffic for compute and block storage hosts (connected to bonded interface bond0/Primary eth adapter)
  • br-vxlan - VXLAN tunnel/overlay networks (connected to bonded interface bond1/Secondary eth adapter)
  • br-vlan - VLAN network traffic that does NOT have an assigned IP (connected to bonded interface bond1/Secondary eth adapter)

Controller Container Networking Layout

This configuration may be on only a subset of containers, where as some of them will only have a single interface

  • eth0 == lxcbr0
  • eth1 == br-mgmt
  • eth2 == br-storage
  • eth10 == br-vxlan
  • eth11 == br-vlan

Neutron Controller Container

DHCP agent + L3 Agent and Linux Bridge

  • eth2 == br-vxlan
  • eth3 == br-vlan

Installation Requirements

Target hosts

  • Ubuntu 14
  • SSH + SSH Keys
  • NTP
  • Python 2.7
  • Kernel > 3.13

Cinder Target Host (Linus)

  • LVM
    • volume group: cinder-volumes and lxc
    • Requires 5GB per container


Networking Reference Architecture

Interface IP Bridge Interface Manual?
eth{primary} N/A Yes
lxcbr0 Unnumbered eth{primary} No
br-mgmt eth{primary}.101 Yes
br-vxlan eth{secondary}.102 Yes
br-storage eth{primary}.103 Yes
br-vlan Unnumbered eth{secondary} Yes

Physical Interfaces Files

  • /etc/network/interfaces

     auto lo
     iface lo inet loopback
     source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
  • /etc/network/interfaces.d/device-eth

     # Primary Interface / Bond
     auto eth{primary}
     iface eth{primary} inet static
       description management interface
       dns-search domain.com
     # Container Management VLAN
     auto eth{primary}.101
     iface eth{primary}.101 inet manual
       vlan-raw-device eth{primary}
     # Container Storage VLAN
     auto eth{primary}.103
     iface eth{primary}.103 inet manual
       vlan-raw-device eth{primary}	  
     # Secondary Interface / Bond
     auto eth{secondary}
     iface eth{secondary} inet manual
       up ip link set dev $IFACE up
       down ip link set dev $IFACE down
     # Container Tunnel VLAN
     auto eth{primary}.102
     iface eth{primary}.102 inet manual
       vlan-raw-device eth{secondary}
  • /etc/network/interfaces.d/device-bridges

     # Container management bridge
     auto br-mgmt
     iface br-mgmt inet static
     	bridge_stp off
     	bridge_waitport 0
     	bridge_fd 0
     	# Bridge port references tagged interface
     	bridge_ports eth{primary}.101
     # OpenStack Networking VXLAN (tunnel/overlay) bridge
     auto br-vxlan
     iface br-vxlan inet static
     	bridge_stp off
     	bridge_waitport 0
     	bridge_fd 0
     	# Bridge port references tagged interface
     	bridge_ports eth{primary}.102
     # OpenStack Networking VLAN bridge
     auto br-vlan
     	iface br-vlan inet manual
     	bridge_stp off
     	bridge_waitport 0
     	bridge_fd 0
     	# Bridge port references untagged interface
     	bridge_ports eth{secondary}
     # Storage bridge (optional)
     auto br-storage
     iface br-storage inet static
     	bridge_stp off
     	bridge_waitport 0
     	bridge_fd 0
     	# Bridge port reference tagged interface
     	bridge_ports eth{primary}.103

IP Layout

Hostname Interface IP Bridge
external_lb_vip N/A eth{primary} network
internal_lb_vip N/A br-mgmt IP
infra_control_plane_host eth{primary} N/A
br-mgmt eth{primary}.101
br-storage eth{primary}.103
br-vxlan eth{secondary}.102
br-vlan Unnumbered eth{secondary}
eth{secondary} Unnumbered N/A
infra1_container br-mgmt

Configure Targets

  1. Install package dependencies

    1. In this repo, use configure_targets.yml playbook

      ansible-playbook configure_targets.yml -e "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY='ssh-rsa AAAA...'"
  2. Set up NTP

Set up Deployment Host

  1. Find the latest stable TAG: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible/releases and verify that the selected tag corresponds with the version of OS one wishes to deploy. One may see something similar to this: meta:series: liberty in the release notes.

  2. Clone repo on deploy host (This can be done via Ansible, or on one of the "Infrastructure Control Plane Host")

    git clone -b 12.0.9 https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible.git /opt/openstack-ansible
  3. Run bootstrap

    cd /opt/openstack-ansible

Prepare Target Hosts

Re-run Ansible Playbook to include changes for block-storage node

  1. Run Ansible Playbook to set up Bare-Metal host credentials, SSH keys and root passwords. (Very important to configure root password, so that recovery of configuration is still possible from the host's console)

    cd ansible
    ansible-playbook playbooks/host_credentials.yml
  2. Configure Bare-Metal host networking for OSA setup (VLAN tagged interfaces and LinuxBridges). At this point, you MUST modify the hosts file AND group_vars/all variables under TARGET_HOST_NETWORKING, TARGET_HOSTS and CINDER_PHYSICAL_VOLUME sections.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_networking.yml
  3. Run Playbook to set up an Ubuntu apt-mirror using a completely separate host (could use a target-host, but it is not recommended)

    ansible-playbook playbooks/apt-mirror.yml --skip-tags "update"
    Manually execute the command below on apt-mirror host, since it could take a very long time (upwards of 4 hours)
    su - apt-mirror -c apt-mirror
  4. Prepare hosts for OSA Deployment. This Playbook configures the Deployment host AND OSA Target-hosts. (Ensure that hosts and group_vars/all are filled out and accurate)

    ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_targets.yml
  5. Manually copy and enable configuration file for OSA

    cd /etc/openstack_deploy/ && cp openstack_user_config.yml.example openstack_user_config.yml