
Erlang kafka driver based on librdkafka

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT


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Erlang kafka driver based on librdkafka

Implementation notes

The library is implemented in top of librdkafka which is a C library implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol designed with message delivery reliability and high performance in mind, current figures exceed 1 million msgs/second for the producer and 3 million msgs/second for the consumer.

How erlkaf affects the Erlang schedulers

It's well known that NIF's can affect the Erlang schedulers performances in case the functions are not returning in less than 1-2 ms and blocks the scheduler threads.

Because the librdkafka driver is async, erlkaf won't block the scheduler threads and all calls to the native functions will return immediately. The librdkafka driver use it's own thread pool for managing the requests. Also each client has it's own thread from where is sending async the events (delivery reports, logs, statistics) to erlang using enif_send.

User guide

On Ubuntu make sure you have installed :

sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev

Add erlkaf as a dependency to your project. The library works with rebar, rebar3 or hex.pm

{deps, [
  {erlkaf, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/silviucpp/erlkaf.git", "master"}},

Using sys.config you can have all clients (producers/consumers) started by default (by application controller)

Example of a configuration file (for sys.config):

{erlkaf, [

    {global_client_options, [
        {bootstrap_servers, "broker1.com:9092,broker2.com:9092"},

    {clients, [
        {client_producer_id, [

            {type, producer},

            {topics, [
                {<<"benchmark">>, [{request_required_acks, 1}]}

            {client_options, [
                {queue_buffering_max_messages, 10000}

        {client_consumer_id, [

            {type, consumer},

            {group_id, <<"erlkaf_consumer">>},
            {callback_module, test_consumer},
            {callback_args, []},
            {topics, [<<"benchmark">>]},
            {topic_options, [
                {auto_offset_reset, smallest}

            {client_options, [
                {offset_store_method, broker}

global_client_options will apply to all clients defined. In case the global property it's defined as well in the client options it's value will be overwritten.

For producers in case you don't need to customize the topic properties you can omit the topics property as time they will be created on the first produce operation with default settings.

Producer API

The following example will create a producer client with id client_producer which sends also delivery reports to the same module.

In order to receive the delivery reports you need to implement the erlkaf_producer_callbacks protocol or to setup a function with arity 2 into delivery_report_callback config (for example: {delivery_report_callback, fun(DeliveryStatus, Message) -> .. end}).

The function specified into delivery report callback is called async from another process (each producer has it's own process from where it's dispatching the delivery reports)

In case you want to define any properties to the topic where you are going to produce messages, you need to create the topic object attached to the client. To do this you can use the erlkaf:create_topic method. This needs to be done before any produce operation which will lead in create the topic with default settings.


-define(TOPIC, <<"benchmark">>).



delivery_report(DeliveryStatus, Message) ->
    io:format("received delivery report: ~p ~n", [{DeliveryStatus, Message}]),

create_producer() ->

    ProducerConfig = [
        {bootstrap_servers, "broker1:9092"},
        {delivery_report_only_error, false},
        {delivery_report_callback, ?MODULE}
    ok = erlkaf:create_producer(client_producer, ProducerConfig),
    ok = erlkaf:create_topic(client_producer, ?TOPIC, [{request_required_acks, 1}]).

produce(Key, Value) ->
    ok = erlkaf:produce(client_producer, ?TOPIC, Key, Value).

You can call those like:

ok = test_producer:create_producer().
test_producer:produce(<<"key1">>, <<"val1">>).

And you will get into the console the delivery reports:

received delivery report: {ok, {erlkaf_msg,<<"benchmark">>,4,6172,<<"key1">>,<<"val1">>}} 

In case you are not interested in the delivery reports don't specify any callback, or in case you want to receive the delivery reports only in case of errors you have to specify a callback and set delivery_report_only_error on true.

Message queues

The produced messages are queued in memory based on (queue_buffering_max_messages and queue_buffering_max_kbytes), until they are delivered and acknowledged by the kafka broker, once the memory queue it's full there are three options defined by (queue_buffering_overflow_strategy) :

  • local_disk_queue (default) - records are persisted on local disk and once there is enough space are sent to memory queue
  • block_calling_process - calling process it's blocked until there is enough room into the memory queue
  • drop_records - records are dropped in case the memory queue is full

Consumer API:

The following example creates a consumer group that will consume messages from benchmark topic. For each topic and partition the application will spawn an erlang process that will pull the messages.

Each time the rebalance process takes place the process it's restarted so the init/4 method will be called again. In case the handle_message/2 it's returning {ok, State} then the message is considered processed and the offset is stored to be committed based on auto_commit_interval_ms setting. In case you want to mark an error but also to update the state you can use {error, Reason, NewState}, basically the event for the same message will be triggered again but with the new state.



-define(TOPICS, [<<"benchmark">>]).



-record(state, {}).

create_consumer() ->
    ClientId = client_consumer,
    GroupId = <<"erlkaf_consumer">>,
    ClientCfg = [{bootstrap_servers, "broker1:9092"}],
    TopicConf = [{auto_offset_reset, smallest}],
    ok = erlkaf:create_consumer_group(ClientId, GroupId, ?TOPICS, ClientCfg, TopicConf, ?MODULE, []).

init(Topic, Partition, Offset, Args) ->
    io:format("init topic: ~p partition: ~p offset: ~p args: ~p ~n", [
    {ok, #state{}}.

handle_message(#erlkaf_msg{topic = Topic, partition = Partition, offset = Offset}, State) ->
    io:format("handle_message topic: ~p partition: ~p offset: ~p state: ~p ~n", [
    {ok, State}.

You can call those like:

ok = test_consumer:create_consumer().


In order to get statistics you can register the stats_callback callback which is called every statistics_interval_ms (default 0 which means statistics are disabled). The granularity is 1000 ms. Also you can poll the stats for each client using erlkaf:get_stats/1.


The list of all available properties of client and topics are described here