Snapshot testing tool for Helm charts.
Bring powerful UI testing capabilities for Helm chart with minimal configuration just within values.yaml
Easy & Intuitive Snapshot testing for Helm developers
- No tool-specific TestSuite file format: Unlike some tools that require the creation of separate TestSuites with custom file formats, this tool doesn't require any additional file formats. Instead, you can prepare variations of the standard
file for each test case. This eliminates the need to learn new formats and simplifies testing.
- No tool-specific TestSuite file format: Unlike some tools that require the creation of separate TestSuites with custom file formats, this tool doesn't require any additional file formats. Instead, you can prepare variations of the standard
Optimized for Helm chart
- Handling dynamic output generated by helm functions: You can specify additional properties within the values.yaml file for each test case to provide flexibility in adjusting test behavior. For example, you can control the output dynamically generated by helm functions like randAlphaNum.
Continuous Snapshot testing
- GitHub Action is ready: GitHub action which enables to do continuous snapshot testing for local or remote Helm charts in your CI is ready 🚀 ->
- GitHub Action is ready: GitHub action which enables to do continuous snapshot testing for local or remote Helm charts in your CI is ready 🚀 ->
I believe that snapshot testing, a popular testing approach in Web or UI testing with tools like Jest, is the best way to test Helm charts. Snapshot testing provides several benefits:
Visual comparisons: Snapshot tests create a baseline output and then compare it to subsequent test results. This allows for easy visual inspection of changes and regressions in Helm chart rendering.
Enhanced maintainability: Snapshot testing simplifies the test setup process, making it more accessible and maintainable, especially when dealing with complex Helm charts. The input for the Helm chart is a combination of values. We need only maintain the assumed input combinations(=values.yaml), and their snapshots.
Continuous testing: By continuously taking snapshots of the Helm chart in your CI process, you can quickly notice the changes in your whole chart and avoid regressions.
These advantages are not limited to the Helm chart you created, but also the third-party charts you have installed on your Kubernetes if you are a Kubernetes administrator. When upgrading a cluster, you can notice any changes in the output manifests produced by your values, no matter how minor.
There are existing Helm testing tools that support snapshot tests.
- helm-unittest, a popular unit test tool, it has an option to do snapshot testing.
- terratest, Automated tests for your infrastructure code. It can write tests as Go codes and it has the feature to test the output of Helm. blog post
The official Helm test tool
is not for unit tests or snapshot tests but for lint and integration test
While they are valuable tools for testing Helm charts, it has certain limitations for snapshot testing.
You need to learn and prepare the Test Suite files of the tools even if only for snapshot testing.
Not snapshot the whole chart by default, but designed to test on a per-file basis within the Helm chart.
Helm function's dynamic outputs are not considered.
helm-unittest is designed that conducts tests on a per-file basis within the Helm chart. This means that it evaluates each file independently, and when Helm chart values or conditions lead to an entire file being conditionally included or excluded, it can result in tests being unable to cover important scenarios.
Here is an example of a test spec file for snapshot testing in helm-unittest.
templates: - templates/deployment.yaml tests: - it: pod spec should match snapshot asserts: - matchSnapshot: path: spec.template.spec # or you can snapshot the whole manifest - it: manifest should match snapshot asserts: - matchSnapshot: {}
For instance, consider a scenario where the Helm chart may create a Certificate
resource of cert-manager
when both TLS is enabled and cert-manager is enabled, but create a self-signed TLS Secret
resource using helm function genSelfSignedCert
when cert-manager is not enabled. Furthermore, whether TLS is enabled or not affects Ingress's TLS properties, Deployment's app-specific TLS options, etc.
In such cases, helm-unittest may not be able to adequately test the entire chart's behavior, as the output of these conditional files may be empty, leading to incomplete tests.
However, all you have to do with helm-chartsnap
is just to prepare some values.yaml
files of the patterns you expect 😊
You can install as Helm plugin.
helm plugin install
Other options:
Go install
go install
Just pass your chart for a quick start.
helm chartsnap -c YOUR_CHART
directory is created in the chart directory and default.snap
is created.
Also, you can create test cases as a variation of the Values files of your chart.
Here is the full usage of the command.
chartsnap -c CHART [flags]
# Snapshot with default values:
chartsnap -c YOUR_CHART
# Update snapshot files:
chartsnap -c YOUR_CHART -u
# Snapshot with test case values:
# Snapshot all test cases:
# Set additional args or flags for the 'helm template' command:
chartsnap -c YOUR_CHART -f YOUR_TEST_VALUES_FILE -- --skip-tests
# Snapshot remote chart in Helm repository:
# Snapshot ingress-nginx ( helm chart for a specific version with your value file:
chartsnap -c ingress-nginx -f YOUR_VALUES_FILE -- --repo --namespace kube-system --version 4.8.3
# Snapshot cilium ( helm chart with default value and set flags:
chartsnap -c cilium -- --repo --namespace kube-system --set hubble.relay.enabled=true --set hubble.ui.enabled=true
# Snapshot charts in OCI registry
chartsnap -c oci:// -n nginx-gateway
# Output with no colors:
NO_COLOR=1 chartsnap -c YOUR_CHART
-c, --chart string path to the chart directory. this flag is passed to 'helm template RELEASE_NAME CHART --values VALUES' as 'CHART'
--config-file string config file name or path, which defines snapshot behavior e.g. dynamic fields (default ".chartsnap.yaml")
-N, --ctx-lines int number of lines to show in diff output. 0 for full output (default 3)
--debug debug mode
--fail-helm-error fail if 'helm template' command failed
--failfast fail once any test case failed
-h, --help help for chartsnap
-n, --namespace string namespace. this flag is passed to 'helm template RELEASE_NAME CHART --values VALUES --namespace NAMESPACE' as 'NAMESPACE' (default "default")
-o, --output-dir string directory which is __snapshot__ directory is created. (default: values file directory if --values is set; chart directory if chart is local; else current directory)
--parallelism int test concurrency if taking multiple snapshots for a test value file directory. default is unlimited (default -1)
--release-name string release name. this flag is passed to 'helm template RELEASE_NAME CHART --values VALUES' as 'RELEASE_NAME' (default "chartsnap")
--snapshot-version string use a specific snapshot format version. v1, v2, v3 are supported. (default: latest)
-u, --update-snapshot update snapshot mode
-f, --values string path to a test values file or directory. if the directory is set, all test files are tested. if empty, default values are used. this flag is passed to 'helm template RELEASE_NAME CHART --values VALUES' as 'VALUES'
-v, --version version for chartsnap
Helm has a feature called "Helm functions" that generates random values or self-signed certificates like randAlphaNum
and genCA
, genPrivateKey
, genSelfSignedCert
When using these functions, the output will vary each time Helm is executed.
For this case, chartsnap has a feature that prevents mismatched snapshots by substituting them with a fixed value, ###DYNAMIC_FIELD###
You can specify the paths of dynamic values in the generated YAML using JSONPath.
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cosmo-auth-env
base64: true
NOTE: In JSONPath, escaping the / character is documented in RFC6901, section 3
Because the characters '~' (%x7E) and '/' (%x2F) have special meanings in JSON Pointer, '~' needs to be encoded as '~0' and '/' needs to be encoded as '~1' when these characters appear in a reference token.
So if you handle a manifest like the following, you need to specify the json path as
.metadata: annotations: checksum/values: RANDOM_VALUES
If you have a test values file directory, place it as a .chartsnap.yaml
file within that directory. It is a common behavior in all snapshot tests in the directory.
For more examples, see example/app1.
Alternatively, you can directly add the config in the test values file as a testSpec
In this case, you don't need to prepare .chartsnap.yaml
. It is for taking snapshots of remote or third-party charts with your single values file.
Your values file can be like this:
# Add this property to your values.
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cilium-ca
- /data/ca.crt
- /data/ca.key
base64: true
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: hubble-server-certs
- /data/ca.crt
- /data/tls.crt
- /data/tls.key
base64: true
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: hubble-relay-client-certs
- /data/ca.crt
- /data/tls.crt
- /data/tls.key
base64: true
# Others can be any of your chart values.
# ...
For more examples, see example/remote.
Users / Projects | Description | URL |
Example | Example chart generated by helm create command |
example/app1 |
Example | Example of snapshotting charts in remote Helm repositories | example/remote |
helm-chartsnap-action | GitHub action to use helm chartsnap in CI | |
cosmo-workspace | Open source WebIDE & DevEnvironment Platform on Kubernetes | |
Kong | 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway. | |