
Java implementation of the Louvain method of community detection in graphs

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java implementation of the Louvain method for community detection.

Input: weighted, undirected graph, defined in a CSV file as a list of edges. See the graphs at src/test/resources for examples. Nodes may be named or indexed, and the indexes do not have to start at zero or be continuous.


  • Read graphs from files, build manually, or generate random Erdős–Rényi graphs.
  • Detect communities using the Louvain method and calculate the modularity of the resulting clustering.
  • Read infomap output files.
  • Compare different clusterings of a graph using Normalised Mutual Information (NMI).
  • Assign nodes to random communities (for baseline comparisons of a clustering).
  • Read and write community structures to disk.


Load a graph file and detect communities using the Louvain method, and print the modularity of the detected communities:

    final Graph g = new GraphBuilder().fromFile("src/test/resources/graphs/arxiv.txt", true);
    final LouvainDetector ld = new LouvainDetector(g);
    final LayeredCommunityStructure cs = ld.cluster();

Load a graph file and detect communities using the Louvain method, then compare each layer with each layer from a loaded infomap file:

    final Graph g = new GraphBuilder().fromFile("src/test/resources/graphs/arxiv.txt", true);
    final LouvainDetector ld = new LouvainDetector(g);
    final LayeredCommunityStructure cs = ld.cluster();

    final InfomapResultsReader irr = new InfomapResultsReader("graphs/infomap.tree");
    final LayeredCommunityStructure cs2 = irr.cluster();

     for (int i = 0; i < cs.layers(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < cs2.layers(); j++) {
         System.out.printf("%.03f ", NMI.NMI(cs.layer(i), cs2.layer(j)));

Generate an Erdős–Rényi graph, detect communities using the Louvain method, and compare the NMI of those communities to randomly-assigned communities of the same size:

    final Graph g = new GraphBuilder().erdosRenyi(1000, 0.1);
    final LouvainDetector ld = new LouvainDetector(g);
    final LayeredCommunityStructure cs = ld.cluster();

    RandomCommunityAssigner rca = new RandomCommunityAssigner(cs);
    final LayeredCommunityStructure cs2 = rca.cluster();

     for (int i = 0; i < cs.layers(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < cs2.layers(); j++) {
         System.out.printf("%.03f ", NMI.NMI(cs.layer(i), cs2.layer(j)));

Run the Louvain community detection 10 times, and write the clustering with the best modularity to a file:

    final Graph g = new GraphBuilder().erdosRenyi(1000, 0.1);
    final LouvainSelector ls = new LouvainSelector("src/test/resources/graphs/arxiv.txt", "out.csv");
    final LayeredCommunityStructure cs = ls.cluster(10);


License: MIT

Dependency License
log4j2 Apache 2.0
trove4j LGPL
junit Eclipse 1.0