
Simple nonintrusive javascript prototypical inheritance through fluent api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NPM Build Status


$ npm install ryoc

Simple nonintrusive javascript prototypical inheritance through fluent api.

Works in node. No guarantees for other environments.

##Quick syntax

var klass = require('ryoc')()
    .mixin([Object|Array of Object, ...])
    .property([name],[default value = undefined],[readonly = false])

var instance = new klass([constructor arguments]);
var other = klass([constructor arguments]);

abstract(name) is a convenience method for method(name, function (){ throw new TypeError(....

Order of application in toClass():

  1. mixin()
  2. method()
  3. property() / getter() / setter() merged by name
  4. construct()

##Annotated sample code

var ryoc = require('ryoc');
// Define base class for shapes
var Shape = ryoc()
    // Define a propery with a backing field
    .property('geometry', '[generic shape]')
    // Define a readonly property that is evaluated by a function
    .getter('area', function () { return this.calculateArea(); })
    // Define a method. calculateArea in this case mimics an abstract method
    .method('calculateArea', function () { throw new Error('method calculateArea is not implemented');})
    // dump calls 'virtual' functions in descendants
    .method('dump', function () { console.log('%s (%j), area is %s', this.geometry, this, this.area) })
    // Construct a new class
// Circular shapes
// - a Circle is a Shape
// - a Circle must be initialized with a radius
// - Circles have a special formula for area 
var Circle = ryoc()
    .construct(function (radius) {
        Shape.call(this); // always nice to initialize base class
        this.geometry = 'circle'; 
        this.radius = radius; 
    .method('calculateArea', function () { return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius; })

// Rectangular shapes
// - a Rectangel is a Shape
// - a Rectangle must be initialized with width and height
// - Rectangles have a special formula for area 
var Rectangle = ryoc()
   .construct(function (width, height) {
        Shape.call(this); // Construct base class
        this.geometry = 'rectangle'; 
        this.w = width; 
        this.h = height; 
    .method('calculateArea', function () { return this.w * this.h; })

// Create a circle and let it tell something about itself
new Circle(1).dump();
// Create a rectangle and let it tell something about itself
new Rectangle(2,3).dump();

// Create another circle. Notice how we can skip the new keyword

What ryoc doesnt do

  • mimic class semantics from other languages. In fact, the concept of classes in Javascript is quite meaningless.
  • constructors in base classes are not automatically applied - this will be your responsibility
  • introduce alien and weird meta stuff like $super. The only things in generated classes are what you explicitly put there.