Compass for voxeljs based games. See demo at
nmp install voxel-compass
var createGame = require('voxel-engine')
var game = createGame({
require: require,
pluginOpts: {
'voxel-compass': <options>
Please refer to for how to create a game. At the time of writing this, stuff where in kind of an unstable state...
Listen to events with
var compass = game.plugins.get('voxel-compass')
compass.on('compass-direction', function (degrees) {})
Options defaults to
threshold: 1,
north: [0,0,1]
element: undefined
A value in degrees that represents the minimal change in view direction that will trigger a compass-direction
Vector that represents direction to the nortpole in game coordinates.
If set (as DOM element or id of DOM element), the element will be rotated using CSS transformations. Only tested in Chrome.