
This is a super lightweight metadata generation toolkit composed of some scripts. Right now, these are being manually run in the pipeline:

process -> generate_metadata -> <arbitrary processing to L2> -> generate_proj

  • Processes a PDS file and outputs an ISIS cube that has a footprint and a caminfo pvl file.
usage: [-h] inputfile recipe

Metadata Processing Engine

positional arguments:
  inputfile   The PATH to the PDS file to be processed
  recipe      The PATH to the recipe file that defines the processing steps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
(metadataengine) -bash-4.2$
  • Processes the generated ISIS cube file and the sensor (camstats) PVL output into a JSON metadata file.
usage: [-h] inputfile caminfopvl

Metadata Processing Engine

positional arguments:
  inputfile   The PATH to the ISIS cube file.
  caminfopvl  The PATH to the caminfo pvl file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit