Supplemental Class Materials for CUNY IS 608: Knowledge and Visual Analytics

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

IS 608 - Knowledge and Visual Analytics

This repository is a store for all materials associated with the CUNY MS Data Analytics Class IS 608 - Knowledge and Visual Analytics.

If you are a member of the class, I am going to maintain this page indefinitely. I hope that you find it a hepful reference in the future.

What is git? What is GitHub?

Git is a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). It is fantastically complex, but at its most basic, it is software to track changes in groups of files and assist with switching between versions of files.

Hopefully you already have a GitHub account and have worked with git before. If not, please set up an account (it's free).

If you aren't familiar with git, you may want to look through GitHub's Introduction to git.

The only git commands I will expect you to know to get through the assignments for class are git clone and git checkout. For your final project, you will also have to understand git add, git commit, git pull and git push. Six commands in all. I know you can do it!

What We Will Be Doing Here

This site is a supplement to the class Blackboard site, not a replacement for it!

I will be posting data for all assignments here: you must set up your code and results to match the directory structure here, so that I can load/grade all of your work efficiently!

If you do not have your own computer or cannot use git on your computer for any reason, please let me know immediately, via email. We will come up with a solution for submitting assignments that works for you.

Weekly quizzes/assignments must be submitted via the CUNY Blackboard site.

However, for your final projects, I intend to use GitHub for accepting and hosting your work.

Optional Class Reading

There are lots of good resources on Visualization. here are quick links to books or online resources of some of the great minds in data-viz. I will be adding to this over time as I find new favorites.

Jacques Bertin's book

Edward Tufte's books

One of Mike Bostock's many presentations

FlowingData is a great blog on data visualization and related topics

For more advanced visualizations, check out the D3 Homepage