
# Bake with Jose

MIT LicenseMIT

Bake with Jose

Welcome to my personal area for sourdough recipes.

About me

I am an engineer, working for a software company and passionate about sourdough bread baking.

Here I will be sharing the recipes I normally bake at home including ingredients and procedures.

You can refer to my Instagram account @bake_with_jose to check out the results of some of these recipes.

About the recipes

All the recipes in this directory are based on sourdough as leaven-er. No added yeasts are used here.

Sourdough Journey

When COVID-19 hit around March 2020, I was already interested in baking bread and made my first disasters, but the lock-down gave me good reasons to dig further into sourdough and explore that new world for me.

So, I started creating my own sourdough starter and started doing my first sourdough loaves.

Of course, first ones were a mess... dense crumb, no oven spring, sour taste... but I took it as a learning experience and started slowly improving.

You might wonder "why sourdough?". You'll get the answer when you taste a sourdough loaf with long fermentation time and compare it to some regular supermarket bread (or even a home-baked loaf using tones of yeast and 1 hour preparation)... It's basically a different world, like comparing a NASA rocket to a bicycle.

When I see a recipe I like which uses yeast as proofing method, I have a personal challenge to convert it using sourdough instead. For some cases, it works with small adjustments, but for some other cases ( e.g. enriched doughs) it's not that easy. That's the fun part of it.


The reason I am sharing these recipes is just to provide a link to those who ask me about them. Since I work on software every day, this is the best geeky way for me to document my work, rather than using a website or blog, just plain markdown text :D

So, feel free to take any recipe and try it out on your own. Any feedback is appreciated.