
tool for scheduling openQA related maintenance jobs + syncing SMELT/openQA data to QEM-Dashboard

Primary LanguagePython


tool for schedule maintenance jobs + sync SMELT/OpenQA to QEM-Dashboard


>>> bot-ng.py --help
Usage: bot-ng [-h] [-c CONFIGS] [--dry] [-d] -t TOKEN [-i OPENQA_INSTANCE]
              [-s SINGLEARCH] [-r RETRY]

QEM-Dashboard, SMELT and openQA connector

positional arguments:
    full-run            Full schedule for Maintenance Incidents in openqa
    incidents-run       Incidents only schedule for Maintenance Incidents in
    updates-run         updates only schedule for Maintenance Incidents in
    smelt-sync          Sync data from SMELT into QEM Dashboard
    inc-approve         Approve incidents which passed tests
    inc-comment         Comment incidents in BuildService
    inc-sync-results    Sync results of openQA incidents jobs to Dashboard
    aggr-sync-results   Sync results of openQA aggregates jobs to Dashboard

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIGS, --configs CONFIGS
                        Directory with openqabot configuration metadata
  --dry                 Dry run, do not post any data
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        Token for qem dashboard api
                        OpenQA instance to use Other instances than OSD do not
                        update dashboard database
  -s SINGLEARCH, --singlearch SINGLEARCH
                        Yaml config with list of singlearch packages for
                        incidents run
  -r RETRY, --retry RETRY
                        Number of retries


Token is required but if isn't used https://openqa.suse.de or is invoked with --dry argument any string is sufficient -> see qem-dashboard

Commenting in IBS

Action inc-comment can be used to add comments to release requests inside IBS (like qa-maintenance/openQABot did).

An example of such comment:

<!-- openqa state=failed revision_15-SP3_x86_64=1636983205 revision_15-SP3_ppc64le=1636982976 revision_15-SP3_s390x=1636982978 revision_15-SP3_aarch64=1636982975 revision_15.3_x86_64=0 -->

 __Group [Maintenance: Containers 15-SP3 Updates@Server-DVD-Updates](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/overview?version=15-SP3&groupid=369&flavor=Server-DVD-Updates&distri=sle&build=20211115-1)__
 (6 tests passed)

 __Group [Maintenance: JeOS 15-SP3 Updates@JeOS-for-kvm-and-xen-Updates](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/overview?version=15-SP3&groupid=375&flavor=JeOS-for-kvm-and-xen-Updates&distri=sle&build=20211115-1)__
 (30 tests passed)

 __Group [Maintenance: Public Cloud 15-SP3 Updates@GCE-Updates](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/overview?version=15-SP3&groupid=370&flavor=GCE-Updates&distri=sle&build=20211115-1)__
 (5 tests passed, 1 tests failed)

 - [sle-15-SP3-GCE-Updates-x86_64-Build20211115-1-publiccloud_containers@64bit](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/7676191) failed'

 __Group [Maintenance: SLE 15 SP3 Incidents@Desktop-DVD-Incidents](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/overview?version=15-SP3&groupid=367&flavor=Desktop-DVD-Incidents&distri=sle&build=%3A21811%3Aautoyast2)__
 (3 tests passed, 2 tests failed)

 - [sle-15-SP3-Desktop-DVD-Incidents-x86_64-Build:21811:autoyast2-qam-regression-piglit@64bit](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/7679142) is waiting'
 - [sle-15-SP3-Desktop-DVD-Incidents-x86_64-Build:21811:autoyast2-qam-regression-other@64bit](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/7679143) is waiting'

 __Group [Maintenance: SLE 15 SP3 Updates@Server-DVD-Updates](https://openqa.suse.de/tests/overview?version=15-SP3&groupid=366&flavor=Server-DVD-Updates&distri=sle&build=20211115-1)__
 (147 tests passed)

Manual triggering of actions

Manual execution of pre-defined actions

All pre-defined actions are executed based on gitlab CI definitions based on pipeline schedules. If needed for special circumstances one can also manually run any of the predefined schedules from https://gitlab.suse.de/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/-/pipeline_schedules at any time with a click of a button. To manually customize the parameters https://gitlab.suse.de/qa-maintenance/bot-ng/-/pipelines/new can be used.

Manual triggering of openQA jobs

bot-ng outputs in info log messages the openqa-cli commands that can be called to manually replicate the openQA job triggering. For example log output message might look like:

INFO: openqa-cli --host https://openqa.suse.de api -X post isos ARCH=s390x BASE_TEST_ISSUES=20937,21863 FLAVOR=Server-DVD-Updates BUILD=20211215-1

The same command can be called manually to re-schedule all tests for this build or settings can be tweaked accordingly, e.g. a new build value could be selected so that the command to call would look like this:

openqa-cli --host https://openqa.suse.de api -X post isos ARCH=s390x BASE_TEST_ISSUES=20937,21863 FLAVOR=Server-DVD-Updates BUILD=20211215-2

Apply caution to keep all the other parameters in place.