
Open-source Discord bot to output random quotes upon command. Powered by JavaScript and Firebase Cloud Firestore.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord QuoteBot 🤖

Latest release Maintenance License: GPL-3.0 Twitter followers

This is an open-source quote bot written in JavaScript, using Discord.js as a client and Firebase Cloud Firestore as a database service. The goal of this project is to be both extensible and easy to setup.

Basic rights (read/save) are available to everyone.
Advanced rights (edit/delete) are available to selected users called "captains".

I called this privilege level that way to prevent any confusion with the term "server admins".
Captains are not server admins, server admins are not captains.

Every commands and outputs can be customized heavily in config.json as presented here.
Head to the "Usage" section for more info.

Let's go!

📖 Table of contents

🏁 Preliminary steps

Create a Discord app

First we need to create a Discord app and its associated bot

  1. Create a new Discord app and give it a fancy name.

  2. Go to the bot settings and add a bot.

  3. In the OAuth2 URL Generator settings, set the scope to application.commands

  4. Copy the generated link and open it to your browser to add the bot to your server.

Now in order to run the project, you will need to have the following environment variables set:

  • Your app OAuth2 client ID as CLIENT_ID.
  • Your bot token as TOKEN.
  • Your server ID as GUILD_ID.
  • At least one user ID in CAPTAIN_IDS (for more advanced rights)

You can add as many captains as you'd like but I recommend you keep it minimal.

There are several ways to store these values. I personnally put them in a .env file in the config directory.

Grab the latest release and create a .env file in src/config:

$ git clone git@github.com:r4dixx/discord-quotebot.git
$ cd discord-quotebot/src
$ touch config/.env
$ echo "CLIENT_ID=your_app_oauth2_client_id
CAPTAIN_IDS=your_user_id, another_user_id, and_maybe_another" >> config/.env

**Don't share these info with anyone or you'll be open to malicious attacks! **

Create a Cloud Firestore database

Now we're going to use a simple NoSQL cloud database to store our quotes.
Firebase Cloud Firestore is a good candidate for this kind of use case.

It's pretty simple:

  1. Create a new Firebase project and navigate to the "Firestore Database" section

  2. Create a database in production mode with the appropriate Cloud Firestore location (e.g. eur3 (europe-west)).

  3. Choose an ID for your collection (e.g. quotes) and declare it in your .env file as follows: COLLECTION_ID=quotes. The name you chose will appear as such in the Firestore console.

Your .env file should look like this:

# Discord

# Firebase

Almost there! We just need to link up your Firebase project to your Discord bot.

  1. Head to your project settings and navigate to the "Service Accounts" section

  2. Click on Create service account and Generate new private key (this will download a *.json file for you)

  3. Move the downloaded file to the config directory and make sure to rename it firebase.json. Do not share it with anyone!

That's it! Now we can go to the last step.

Important notes

  • Users declared as captains are not server admins, they are just users with the right to edit/delete quotes. In a similar fashion, server admins cannot edit/delete quotes unless they are specifically declared as captains.

  • Never EVER share your environment with anyone. See why.

  • Everything in firebase.json must remain strictly confidential. In a similar fashion, your Cloud Firestore security rules should be strictly in production mode. See why.

  • Refer to the official documentations if you're lost

🏗 Setup

Installation and first run

Make sure you have Node.js 16.6 or higher installed and run the following commands:

$ cd discord-quotebot/src
$ npm install
$ npm start

This will:

  • Install all the dependencies
  • Deploy commands to your server
  • Start the bot

Your log output should read the following:

  • Successfully reloaded application commands which confirms that the commands have been deployed to your server.
  • Discord client ready! Logged in as QuoteBot-Test - ID: your_client_id which confirms that the bot is running.
  • Instance of Firebase Cloud Firestore initalized properly which confirms that the database is ready.

If you didn't get these three messages, something went wrong.

  1. Check the location of your .env file
  2. Double check your environment variables.
  3. Triple check your Firebase project configuration.

If this still doesn't fix your problem, please open an issue.

Test if everything is up and running

Send /ping in your Discord server and see the magic happen.
If nothing shows, something went wrong. Check the logs for potential error messages.

Please open an issue if you see anything unusual.

Customize the bot

All good? Now you can customize the bot by editing config.json.
This file in JSON format contains every commands and their associated configuration.

Here's an example:

  "add": {
    "name": "add",
    "description": "Add given quote to the collection",
    "option": {
      "name": "quote",
      "description": "Enter a quote you would like to add"
    "reply": {
      "success": ":brain: **I'll remember this one...**",
      "error": {
        "mention": ":shushing_face: Not saving this one. Please don't mention people in quotes.",
        "duplicate": ":people_holding_hands: Error: This quote already exists."

Everything can be customized pretty heavily so be creative!
Once you're done, save the file and restart the bot to deploy your new configuration.
Show me what you've done 🤗

👨‍💻 Usage

All users

  • /quote to get a random quote
  • /save to save a quote
  • /help to get a list of available commands
  • /ping to test if the bot is running


  • Edit

    • /edit last new_quote to edit last saved quote
    • /edit item old_quote new_quote to edit a specific quote
  • Delete

    • /delete last to delete last saved quote
    • /delete item quote to delete a specific quote

🤴 Advanced usage

Cloud Firestore Dashboard

Remember the dashboard? It's a great way to manage your collection. You can find it here
and access it anytime you want. No need to touch this folder again!

From there you can add, edit and delete documents very easily. You can even change creation dates!

Two things to note:

  • Adding new fields to a document does nothing and can lead to issues. Please only use existing fields.
  • Editing IDs is not recommended. This might break your bot.

Have fun 👋

Psst! If this is unclear for you: in the Cloud Firestore world collections are some kind of sub-databases, documents are tables and fields are entries

👤 About the author

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.

🤗 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you liked this project!

📝 License

Copyright © 2021 r4dixx.
This project is GPL-3.0 licensed.

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