
A simple script to automatically send out corrected solutions of exercise sheets to a tutorial group.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A short script to easily send out corrected exercise sheets to all your students using python.


None really. Clone this repo and put send_mails.py and config.ini wherever you deem to be a good place. You may want to run a

$ chmox +x send_mails.py

to make the script executable without needing to type out python send_mails.py.


All configuration is stored in the config.ini. The port and adress settings are currently such that they work with the standard maximilian.musterfrau@stud.uni-goettingen.de addresses. You will still need to enter your own username and e-mail address though. The password is not saved but asked for during runtime for security reasons.


Running python send_mails.py will tell you the following about the usage of the script:

usage: send_mails.py [-h] [-f FILES [FILES ...]] [-s SUBJECT] [-m MESSAGE]
                     [-a ADDRESSLIST]

Automatically send out the corrected sheets to all students.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILES [FILES ...], --files FILES [FILES ...]
                        List of files you want to send. Must be of the form
                        'stuff_<name>_morestuff' where <name> must be before
                        the last underscore
  -s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
                        The subject of the E-Mail
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
                        A file with the contents of the E-Mail.Any occurence
                        of '<name>' will be replaced withthe recipients name
                        A csv file containing <name>, <email-address>