
Josh Campbell's Resume in MARKDOWN

Josh Campbell

I'm an experienced and versatile backend software engineer with a heart for full stack development programming since 2016

jlcampbell1991@gmail.com || LinkedIn


Classy Llama

Backend Software Developer, November 2020 - Present

  • Developing ExpressJS middleware applications interacting with BigCommerce API on Heroku
  • Building scalable enterprise resource planning integrations in Celigo cloud service
  • Lead developer on internal projections modeling written in Google Sheets and Apps Script
  • Writing technical requirements and advising other developers
  • Contributing Javascript and Handlebars development to front end theme projects

Kitestring Technical Services

Software Consultant, June 2020 - September 2020, Remote Position

Bookkeeping Team, Wal-Mart, Inc., Kitestring Contract
  • Participant in upgrading legacy bookkeeping product from local Unix system to cloud solution
  • Building services using Play! Framework, Apache Spark and Kafka, including:
    • Contributing rule to service which parses bookkeeping categories from POS orders
    • Building a cache and API endpoint for maintaining business unit date for each category
    • Writing data models and API client to POST end of the day financial activity
  • Monitoring pre-production pipeline and reprocessing data in Azure infrastructure

Jack Henry & Associates

Associate Software Engineer, June 2018 - June 2020, Remote Position

Software Apprentice, October 2017 - June 2018, Remote Position

Aggregation Team, Banno Group
  • Developing microservices using purely functional Scala stack; http4s/Circe/doobie/Twirl
  • Building new aggregation web crawlers using a Scala DSL, HTTP, XPath and RegEx
  • Working with support personnel and customers to maintain existing crawlers and debug issues
  • Writing PostgreSQL implementation scripts and inserting locations for onboarding customers
  • Building and maintaining automation tools to aid in above responsibilities, including:
    • Ruby script to covert raw HTTP requests to Scala DSL
    • JavaScript form to automate production of PostgeSQL scripts
    • http4s microservice to simplify onboarding implementation operations

Development Experience

Technologies & Skills

BigCommerce | NodeJS | ExpressJS | Scala | Functional Programming | Elixir | Recursive Algorithms | http4s | Circe | doobie | Twirl | JSON | XML | Kafka | Spark | CosmosDB | NoSQL | PostgreSQL | Relational databases | sbt | Microservices | HTTP | Web scraping | Fintech | RESTFUL API's | CRUD | Java | JVM | Objected-oriented Programming | TDD | Unit and Integration Tests | Ruby on Rails | MVC | ORM | JavaScript | TypeScript | jQuery | ReactJS | Photoshop | HTML | CSS | Heroku | Docker | Linux | Azure | Kubernetes | Scrum | Agile | Slack | GIT | Jenkins CI/CD | Google APIs | Google Apps Script | Celigo | Handlebars | ReTool | Jest

Selected Portfolio

Full-stack checkbook application written in NodeJS

Full-stack checkbook application written in TypeScript

Full-stack http4s web application interacting with eBay API

Full-stack http4s web application for managing inventory

ReactJS/TypeScript front-end app for Inventory Tracker API

Sample full-stack web app with http4s backend and ReactJS with TypeScript front-end using DuckDuckGoApi


Missouri State University
BA, Art and Design - Photography
Graduated May 2013, GPA 3.6, Cum Laude

Soft Skills

  • Discerning and tenacious
  • Able to write technical documentation
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Good verbal and written communications skills
  • Team collaborator
  • Leads by example
  • Able to learn independently
  • Excellent time management
  • Inquisitive and humble self starter
  • Empathetic listener
  • Passionate for clean, scalable code
  • Excited about new technology and challenges
  • Responds well to criticism

Cover Letter

I'm an experienced backend software engineer currently working on the production team at Classy Llama, an ecommerce development agency. Day to day, I'm building middleware applications for our BigCommerce practice in ExpressJS, wiring together ERP integrations in Celigo or acting as lead developer on our projections modeling in Google Apps Script. I've even had successs in trying my hand at front end JavaScript devlopment to help a team in need when it was lacking front end resources. I've become known for my versatility, tenacity and discernment.

Prior to working in JavaScript in all forms, my expertise was in Scala, writing RESTful API's using Play! Framework and Apache Kafka for Kitestring Technical Services and using a fully functional programming stack (http4s, doobie, circe) for Jack Henry's Banno Group. I cut my teeth on Ruby on Rails and have been building front-ends with ReactJS and TypeScript in my spare time. I studied photography at Missouri State University and have operated a photography and e-commerce businesses. My wife and I have two boys and a baby girl who was born at the end of March, 2021.

By nature, I collect knowledge and my developer skills are self-taught. Nobody but myself superintended the hours spent every week for my initial education and past employers have entrusted me with a great deal of liberty to use my work-week as I best see fit for the company. Additionally, I especially value taking responsibility for my work and shoddy work will not only reflect poorly on your company, but on my character—something I'm not quick to compromise. My work demonstrates I enjoy learning, am quick to do so, and am capable of meeting the demands of a rapidly changing industry. My background in fine arts helped develop the discipline to tackle problems in innovative ways. One of the greatest pleasures in my work is to get so caught up in a project that I forget to eat or sleep. My dive into entrepreneurship has given me a special appreciation of business and economics. I care not only about the quality of my work, but knowing it will contribute to the financial success of the company I work for and its clients.

A programming mentor once told me that I ask great questions and those would lead to my success in the industry.  I've adapted quickly to whatever technology was set before me, whether helping to found Classy Llama's NodeJS practice or learning Scala and functional programming on the job at Jack Henry. I'm excited to apply my learning ability to whatever technology stack I get my hands on in my next position. In a performance review at Jack Henry, my managers told me that I carried the largest load on the team and led by example, despite being the most junior member.  Wherever I'm next employed, I plan on bringing that same humility to ask a lot of questions and serve my team to the best of my ability by being disciplined and consistent.