
A Reddit bot for posting recipes in /r/food.

Primary LanguagePython


A Reddit bot for posting recipes in /r/food.

The subreddit /r/food is commonly used for sharing images of food that posters have cooked, eaten, or otherwise encountered out in the wild. Unfortunately, the pictures posted in /r/food rarely include any recipes to instruct viewers about how to recreate the foods that they see. This Python script views posts on /r/food and uses the title of the post to search for a similar recipe on Google. If a similar recipe is found, a link to it is posted as a comment reply to the original image post.

Notable Libraries Used

  • Praw: Used for creating an instance of Reddit, accessing subreddits, reading posts, and posting replies.
  • Requests: Used for submitting a Google search query and obtaining Google's response.
  • Beautiful Soup: Used for parsing Google search results, accessing individual results and parsing the URL associated with each result.