
largish repo for inlang load testing

Primary LanguageTypeScript

inlang sdk load-test

This repo can be used for volume testing, with more messages than existing unit tests.

  • The test starts by opening an inlang project with just one english message.
  • It generates additional engish messages, overwriting ./locales/en/common.json.
  • It can "mock-translate" those into 37 preconfigured languages using the inlang cli.
  • Lint-rule plugins are configured in the project settings but lint reports are not subscribed, unless requested.
  • The test uses the i18next message storage plugin.

To allow additional testing on the generated project e.g. with the ide-extension, the test calls pnpm clean when it starts, but not after it runs.

  pnpm test messageCount [translate] [subscribeToMessages] [subscribeToLintReports] [watchMode]
  pnpm test 300
  pnpm test 100 1 1 0

Defaults: translate: 1, subscribeToMessages: 1, subscribeToLintReports: 0, watchMode: 0

mock rpc server

This test expects the rpc server from PR #2108 running on localhost:3000 with MOCK_TRANSLATE=true.

# in your opral/monorepo
git checkout 1844-sdk-persistence-of-messages-in-project-direcory
pnpm install
pnpm build
MOCK_TRANSLATE=true pnpm --filter @inlang/server dev


git clone https://github.com/opral/load-test.git
cd load-test
pnpm install

This test is also available under /inlang/source-code/sdk/load-test in the monorepo, using workspace:* dependencies.


pnpm test messageCount [translate] [subscribeToMessages] [subscribeToLintReports] [watchMode]


Called before each test run, does rm -rf ./locales.

pnpm clean

debug in chrome dev tools with node inspector

Passes --inpect-brk to node.

pnpm inspect messageCount [translate] [subscribeToMessages] [subscribeToLintReports] [watchMode]