
Demo static svelte UI distributed as a python package.

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT


Demo static svelte UI distributed as a python package.


Minimal svelte demo app from npm create svelte@latest.

  • Uses static adapter
  • Does not include the usual svelte demo sverdle game (which requires a server)
cd ui
npm install

# dev server - type 'o' to open browser on http://localhost:5173
npm run dev

# build into build directory
npm run build

pip installable scui package

This package includes a static web server and a bundle with the svelte UI build.

pip install scui

To rebuild and publish the scui package

This assumes that access to pypi.org has been configured.
First npm install and npm build the svelte UI (see above)

pip install build twine
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*