GRPC Sample Python App


This demo is the Azure Bicep version of Jeff Hollan's gRPC Sample Python App for Azure Container Apps.

This is a sample of a gRPC client calling another container running a gRPC server to execute a SayHello call.

To simplify the deployment experience, there are abstracted Azure Bicep files located in the ./modules folder within this repo.


Run gRPC Sample App

Starting from the root of this folder, please login to Azure

  az login

Set the desired subscription.

  az account set --subscription <id or name>

Ensure the Azure Container Apps extension is installed for your Azure CLI.

    az extension add --source

Register the Microsoft.Web Namespace

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Web

Now we can deploy the app, as well as all required resources, by simply running the script for bash / zsh.

This script takes the following optional arguments:

  1. Resource Group Name: The name of your resource group created in Azure. Default value is: grpc-sample
  2. location: This is the location your resources will be deployed. Default value is: eastus

If the default values work for you, simply run the following to deploy this demo:


If you would like to provide your own resource group name and location, run the following to deploy this demo with your preferred arguments supplied:

    ./ myResourceGroupName canadacentral

The deploy script will run and will create 4 resources in the resource group name you chose:

  • Container App Environment
  • Log Analytics Workspace
  • Container App (grpc-backend)
  • Container App (https-frontend)

After the script completes, you will see output similar to the following:

    Your app is accessible from

Simply click the link provided from the script to test the Azure Container App Deployment. A successful deployment will provide the following in your browser:

ACA Successful Example

If you navigate to your Azure Portal, and to your created resource group, you will see resources similar to this:

Azure Portal Example

Bicep Templates Module Info

Module Details
createContainerApp.bicep Creates Azure Container App Resource
createContainerAppEnv.bicep Creates Azure Container App Environment Resource
createLogAnalytics.bicep Creates Log Analytics Resource

To deploy the 3 modules with the sample code from Jeff's repo, you will use the main.bicep file with the following parameters:

Required Parameters

Main Bicep Required Parameters
rgName Resource Group Name
location Location of Azure Resources and Resource Group

Optional Parameters

Main Bicep Optional Parameters
containerImage Container Image for Azure Container App
containerPort The port your container listens to for incoming requests. Your application ingress endpoint is always exposed on port 443
useExternalIngress Set whether you want your ingress visible externally, or internally within a VNET
transportMethod Transport type for Ingress. Options include auto http or http2
environmentVariables Environment Variables needed for your container apps