
Standalone Django photologue deploy

Primary LanguagePython

Photologue Demo Project


This project is intended to be a standalone production deployable app for django-photologue.


  • python (either 3.7, or 3.x).
  • virtualenv strongly commended!

Development Setup

Note: the project is configured so that it can run immediately with zero configuration (especially of settings files).

Clone this code into your project folder:

git clone https://github.com/jldugger/albums.pwnguin.net
Set up a virtualenv
cd albums.pwnguin.net virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
Activate venv and Install dependencies::
source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt

The project is set up to run SQLite in dev so that it can be quickly started with no configuration required (you can of course specify another database in the settings file). To setup the database:

./manage.py migrate

Follow the instructions to configure photologue here: Photologue Docs

And finally run the project (it defaults to a safe set of settings for a dev environment):

./manage.py runserver

Open browser to

Production Setup


You probably want to set up Apache mod_wsgi, or uwsgi and Nginx.


album_project/settings.py defaults to a ready to run env for production. You shuld override any settings -- DATABASES, SECRET_KEY, DEBUG, etc., -- by adding writing them to a album_project/local_settings.py.

This project also supports a number of additional settings you can optionally define to add functionality.

GOOGLE_ANALTYICS_KEY: unique ID embedded in the GA script to direct vistor data to your acct

GOOGLE_ADSENSE_ID: unique ID for adsense account

RAVEN_CONFIG: unique ID to push uncaught exceptions to a Sentry logging server for recording and alerting.

Thank you

This project is based on the upstream django-photologue example project, which is in turn based on the earlier photologue_demo project. This project included contributions and input from: crainbf, tomkingston, bmcorser.