
CLI client for the Teampass password manager

Primary LanguagePython

Warning This project is no longer maintained or supported.


teampass - Teampass client, retrieves and inserts passwords into Teampass password manager


teampass list
teampass show [-c] <passname>
teampass find <passname>
teampass insert <passname>
teampass generate <passname>
teampass shell [-c]
teampass dump


teampass is a command line client for Teampass that uses the Teampass API to list, retrieve and insert passwords.

It is loosely inspired by the password store pass(1) utility and thus can be easily adapted for usage with some wrappers built for it such as the passmenu script for integration with dmenu/rofi and such.

It can also be used to display them as json for easy use with jq(1) or other json parsing tools.

Example scripts are provided for dmenu(1) integration, bash(1) completion and import of passwords into pass(1).


List all passnames.

show <passname>

Show the password identified by <passname>.

find <passname>

Find passwords inside the tree that match <passname>.

insert <passname>

Insert a new password into the password store called <passname>. Will ask for the password on stdin.

generate <passname>

Insert a new password into the password store called <passname>. Will generate an XKCD-compliant password ant outputs it on stdout.


Start an interactive shell for searching and displaying passwords, featuring autocompletion and search history.


Dump all passwords as json on stdout.

-c --clip

In show and shell modes, substitute writing to stdout by writing to clipboard.

-h --help

Show help.


List existing passwords in store

$ teampass list

Find existing passwords in store that match ".com"

$ teampass find .com

Show existing password

$ teampass show web/example.com/foo

Copy existing password to clipboard

$ teampass show -c web/example.com/foo

Add password to store

$ teampass insert web/example.net/foo
Press Ctrl-T to toggle password visibility
Password: *********

Generate an XKCD-compliant password

$ teampass generate web/example.net/bar
Generated password: "formed danbury tinder stripy climate program's"

Open a nice shell with autocompletion and history search

$ teampass shell

Dump all passwords as json on stdout and use jq(1) to query the label of the 5th password in the "web" category

$ teampass dump | jq '."web"."5"."label"'


Teampass API URL and API key as well of (due to limitations of the API) names and IDs of categories of passwords to display need to be set in a ~/.teampass.json file. You should be able to get those by looking a Teampass database.

	"categories": {"1": "Web", "2": "Servers"}



Configuration file that must contains the Teampass API key and the informations about the categories of passwords to display.


History of passnames displayed through the shell mode.


The API of Teampass being limited, it's not possible to list categories of passwords, so they have to be set along with their ID in the configuration. For the same reason, the displayed hierarchy of passwords is flattened.

No restrictions apply to the use of the API, so using this utility means having an API key which means having full privileges on the Teampass instance, which might not be desired.


The insert command is currently broken, one parameter is likely wrong when calling the API.