
  • Static content uses the Pug framework.
  • Static content is hosted on Google Firebase.
  • Arrp compiler service runs on Google Cloud Run.



  • Docker
  • Firebase CLI
  • Google Cloud CLI
  • Authenticate Docker daemon with Google Cloud: gcloud auth configure-docker

Updating the compiler service:

  1. Increment the version number in file compiler/VERSION. That will deploy a new service named arrp-compiler-v<VERSION>.
  2. Update the service name in rewrite rule in file firebase.json.
  3. Update service code in directory compiler. Change Arrp git commit ID in compiler/Dockerfile, etc.
  4. Run make compiler to build the Docker image.
  5. Run make deploy-compiler to deploy the service on Cloud Run.
  6. Proceed with the static content workflow to test and deploy website with the new service.

Updating the website:

  1. Update UI code.
  2. Run make ui to generate static content in directory public.
  3. Run firebase serve to test website locally (using already deployed services on Cloud Run).
  4. Run firebase deploy to deploy static content and configuration in firebase.json to Firebase.