
starter kit for visualizations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple way to get started with data visualizations using d3 and coffeescript


First Clone the Repository

git clone git@github.com:vlandham/vis.git
cd vis

You might consider creating a new branch for your Vis

git checkout -b interesting_new_bar_chart

View built in example

You can start up a local webserver by using python’s simple server:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000

or thin in ruby

thin start
# might have to run 'bundle install' first

Now go to

and you have a basic visualization

Start Coding

Open up coffee/vis.coffee and start modifying the built in visualization to fit your needs.

Folder Organization

  • /
    • main vis area
  • /index.html
    • main page for your visualization. Loads coffeescript and javascript files.
  • /coffee/
    • coffeescript files. Example vis.coffee.
  • /data/
    • data dump for .csv and .json files and other data files your vis uses.
  • /js/
    • javascript goes here. JS Libraries in libs directory
  • /css/
    • put your stylesheets in here
  • /img/
    • put your images in here
  • /tools/
    • put your helper scripts / data manipulation tools here


To startup the server, you either need python, or a bunch of ruby gems (should be simplified in the future).

Run bundle install to get the gems needed. Gems listed in the Gemfile


Twitter Bootstrap

  • 2.2.1


  • 3.0.2


  • 2.1.0


  • 1.4.0


  • 1.7.2


  • 0.4 beta