
Hugo theme based on Start Bootstrap Clean blog

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Hugo theme based on Start Bootstrap Clean Blog.



As is

You can use the site as is, it will work. You can for example use it with HugoBasicExample.

full features

If you want to have all the features and pages of the original theme, you will need a similar config.toml:

baseurl = "http://humboldtux.github.io/sbcb-demo"
title = "Start Bootstrap Clean Blog"
canonifyurls = true
paginate = 10
theme = "startbootstrap-clean-blog"
languageCode = "en-us"
copyright = "Code released under the Apache 2.0 license."
googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" # delete or comment to disable Google Analytics JS generation
disqusShortname = "YourDisqusShortname" #delete or comment to disable Disqus comments

  name = "Benoît Benedetti"

  DateForm = "Mon, Jan 2, 2006"
  Description = "Your site description"
  Author = "Benoît Benedetti"
  email = "benoit.benedetti@gmail.com" #Remove this line if you would prefer not to use an email button in the footer.
  postSummariesFrontPage = 4 #Number of post summaries to show on front page, comment out to allow default(4)
  showReadTime = true #set to false to exclude read time from header of post

  title = "twitter"
  url = "https://twitter.com/humboldtux"
  title = "github"
  url = "https://github.com/humboldtux"
  title = "facebook"
  url = "https://www.facebook.com/FACEBOOKHANDLE"

  name = "home"
  url = "/"
  weight = -200
  name = "Archives"
  url = "/post/"
  weight = -180

The footer contains link icons to any enabled social media sites, such as facebook or linkedin. There is also an email icon, by removing the 'email' parameter or commenting out the icon will be removed.

You can find a Demo site, and have a look at the source on the repo site for configuration parameters.


You can have a look at my personal website, where i customize it and use it in a different way than the original theme.


Contributions are more than welcome. If you want to contribute and need inspiration, have a look at the following TODO section. If you have a particular new feature or improvement in mind, before submitting a PR, please open an issue first.