
(In progress) Base theme for Drupal 7 sites

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Manatí Base Theme

Base theme for Manatí's Drupal 7 sites.




1. Install npm modules

$ npm install

2. Run grunt

$ grunt

3. Edit sass and js files

$ vim sass/style.scss
$ vim src-js/script.js

4. Enjoy



Autoprefixer is ran via postcss, and is configured for the last 2 versions, edit Gruntfile.js to adjust to your needs


Grunt has two modes, default mode $ grunt is for develpment and will do the following

  • Sass output will be nested
  • Watch with livereload will be active for all sass and javscript files
  • Javascript will not be uglyfied and comments will be preserved
  • TODO make sure this list is complete

For production we have $ grunt prod, and will do the following

  • Sass output will be compressed
  • Watch will not run, so grunt will exit as soon as it's finish
  • Javascript will be uglified and compressed
  • TODO make sure this list is complete


The src-js folder has the script.js that will be uglified by grunt and placed in the js\script.min.js, the theme is configured to use this file and not the one in src-js.

The folder js/vendor can be used to place any 3rd party js files, grunt will not touch or modify anything in this folder.