Get an Twitch OAuth Token for Server-to-Server Requests

If you, like me, are running chatbots and other streaming tools, you’ll need an OAuth token as of May 11, 2020.

I built this helper to create a convenient way to quickly get that access token for use in my various streaming bots and apps.


1. Install the package

# install the package
npm i @jlengstorf/get-twitch-oauth

2. Set environment variables


3. Get a token

const { getTwitchAccessToken } = require('@jlengstorf/get-twitch-oauth');
const { access_token } = getTwitchAccessToken();

For a more complete example, see demo/index.js.


param required default description
client_id no process.env.TWITCH_CLIENT_ID your Twitch app’s client ID
client_secret no process.env.TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET your Twitch app’s client secret
grant_type no "client_credentials" for app-to-app tokens, this must be "client_credentials"
scopes no "" any permission scopes required by your app