#The E*TRADE Sketch Annotation Plugin

How it works

This plugin reads layer and group names on a Sketch artboard and looks for names that match elements in the ETrade Design Language. Each match is auto-annotated in a sidebar that the plugin appends to your artboard. The annotations provide developers with .css guidance as well as url references to the element's docs in the (http://styleguide.etradecreative.com)[styleguide].

How to name your layers and groups

As of version 2.0, elements in the Design Language styleguide will have a Sketch diamond icon with the appropriate layer/group name to be used.


Sketch should auto-install the plugin if you double click the .sketchplugin file. If that doesn't work, try copying the file into ~/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins.

Read the (http://developer.sketchapp.com/introduction/)[sketch docs] if you're having installation issues.

Project roadmap