
Backend Implementation for Pixel Ping

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

      ____  _            __   ____                   
     / __ \(_)_  _____  / /  / __ \____  ____  ____ _
    / /_/ / /| |/_/ _ \/ /  / /_/ / __ \/ __ \/ __ `/
   / ____/ /_>  </  __/ /  / ____/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / 
  /_/   /_//_/|_|\___/_/  /_/    \____/_/ /_/\__, /  

  o      .   _______ _______
   \_ 0     /______//______/|   @_o
     /\_,  /______//______/     /\  <- you are here.
    | \    |      ||      |     / |
  Pixel Pong is a backend and web admin interface for the Pixel Ping stats 
  See Pixel Ping:
  == Getting Started
  First you should install the with-tracking-js branch of Pixel Ping via rake:
    rake pixel:install
  Pixel Ping's configuration files are stored in:
  For example you can use this for development:
    "port":     "9187",
    "host":     "",
    "interval": 5,
    "endpoint": "",
    "secret":   "one very good secret"
  and save it in config/pixel-ping.development.json.
  Once you have filled out the details, boot this app, and run rake pixel:track 
  to start an instance of Pixel Ping.
  After collecting a few stats you can go to the administration interface to 
  view stats by day. (Screenshot: http://bit.ly/pixel-ping-admin)