gh allows you to very quickly navigate between GitHub project cloned on your
local box. It will cd
into project directories quickly and clone repos that do
not exist.
There is a lot of mental overhead trying to manage a custom ~/src
directory with your projects. I tried managing by work/personal, programming language, even tried a different directory for each month. I found by simply making your projects path reflect GitHub, it was much easier to remember where things were.
Here is a demo of me moving around various projects
Clone and/or go to ~/src/
gh githubuser githubrepo
It'll either just be a cd
or it will clone
Note that tab completion is available for project and usernames.
Using fisherman:
fisher dickeyxxx/gh
Alternatively, symlink (or copy) the function and completion files into $fish_function_path
and $fish_complete_path
mkdir -p ~/src/
git clone ~/src/
ln -s ~/src/ ~/.config/fish/functions/
ln -s ~/src/ ~/.config/fish/completions/
Add this environment variable for your GitHub username (optional)
typeset +gx -A GITHUB
Then symlink (or copy) the gh folder into your Oh-My-ZSH plugins folder
ln -s ~/src/ ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/gh
Next add the plugin to your ~/.zshrc
For example:
# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
plugins=(git brew meteor node npm osx redis-cli sublime gh)
Finally reload the ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
The zsh autocompletion supports loading a user's repositories from github. For that to work, you need to set the environment variable GH_FETCH_REPOS
to true. You will also need to install jsawk for it to work.
If you now type gh someusername
and then press <Tab>
, it will load that user's repositories from github and display them to you.
echo 'source ~/src/' >> ~/.bashrc
- bb - bitbucket (fish)
- gl - gitlab (fish)
This follows the standard convention for Go projects so long as you have your GOPATH
set to ~