This is a port of Martin Fiedler's NanoJPEG library from C to Skew. It supports both grayscale and RGB JPEGs but doesn't support progressive or CMYK JPEGs. I've also added automatic EXIF orientation correction. For development, first install the compiler using npm install
, then invoke the compiler using npm run build
var encoded; // Input: a JPEG file as a Uint8Array
var decoded = decodeJPEG(encoded); // Or "require('nanojpeg').decodeJPEG(encoded);" for node
if (decoded !== null) {
console.log('width', decoded.width);
console.log('height', decoded.height);
console.log('rgb', decoded.rgb);
- Install:
npm install nanojpeg
- Download: nanojpeg.js (less than 10kb)
- Live demo: