V8's maximum string size prevents using JSON.parse() for large JSON files. This module exposes JSON_parse() that should behave similarly to JSON.parse() except it expects a Uint8Array instead of a String. Using a Uint8Array lets it scale to much larger JSON files than the native JSON.parse(). It appears to be roughly 4x slower than the native implementation.
var JSON_parse = require('uint8array-json-parser').JSON_parse;
var fs = require('fs');
var bigFile = fs.readFileSync('./big-file.json');
var json = JSON_parse(bigFile);
I wrote this one night because I needed it. It works fine for my use case and should be reasonably well-built (e.g. it doesn't use recursion to avoid stack overflow). But it doesn't have test coverage, and may not do what you need it to.