
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This web application is used to create and log Pokedexes across all of the main Pokemon games, as well as tracking your progress against different users.

Live demo here.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  1. Node
  2. Express
  3. PosgreSQL
  4. Prisma
  5. React
  6. Redux
  7. Tailwind




Local Setup

First, you are going to want to clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/jlgranof/Pikadex.git

Before we can actually use the application, we must set up our database and environment variables.

Setup for Heroku

Before we can connect the app with Heroku, we need to have a Heroku account. If you do not have one, create one here: https://signup.heroku.com/. Add a new application in the Heroku Dashboard and name it. Uder the resource tab for the application, click "Find more add-ons" and add the "Heroku Postgres: add-on, using the free Hobby Dev setting.

First use the command line to login to heroku:

heroku login

You will be taken to Heroku's website to approve the login.

Next, you will need to attach the git repository to heroku, this will not mess up the connection to a github repository.

heroku git:remote -a <name-of-Heroku-app>

Now we can push the repository to Heroku and run the build process by:

git push heroku main

Finally we can migrate and seed the database:

heroku run npm run prisma migrate deploy
heroku run npm run prisma db seed

Project Status

In Progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Created by Jeff Granof.