
Discord bot for Pokestats

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bot for PokeStats tournaments



Every tournament will run with the following procedure:

  1. Users register for the tournament using !register inside of the respective text channel.
  2. Admins run !paid for every user that has paid.
  3. Admin runs !start inside of the respective text channel to start the tournament. Pairings are DMd to everyone.
  4. Users report their match results with !report (both users must report the match for the match to count as valid)
  5. If anyone drops, admins can run !drop to drop the player from the tournament.
  6. Admin runs !next-round to start the next round. Repeat steps 4-6 until the tournament is over.
  7. Once the last round is reached, the standings will be sent out by the bot in the text channel of the tournament.


With a few exceptions, all commands can be run anywhere that is either a DM to stats bot (preferred) or in any channel in Pokestats Discord (not preferred). Regardless of where the command is run, responses from the bot will be sent through direct message to the user. This is so we can keep the chat clean :)

User Commands


Must be run in a tournament text channel: ex #old-format-4

Registers a user to the tournament the command is run in. If the user is not in the database, they will receive the following response in a DM from stats bot:

Welcome, [discord name]! Please enter in your in game name to continue 
with registration:

Once entering their in game name, it will get stored in the database, then the user will receive the following prompt.

This prompt will occur when the user has either entered their in game name for the first time or has run !register with their in game name in the database:

Thanks for registering for [tournament name], [discord name]!
Please Venmo $3 to @Brian-Chisholm37 to complete your registration.

This will enter the user in the database with tag hasnt-paid. Once the user has paid, the admin command !paid will flag the user with the tag paid, meaning that they are ready to play in the tournament


Arguments: [result]

Reports the result of your match. Both players must report the same result for the match to be considered valid.

[result] is the result of the round, and can be one of the following:

  • 2-0
  • 2-1
  • 1-2
  • 0-2
  • ID or id or tie


Round [round number] reported as [result] against [other player]

Admin Commands


Arguments: [discord name]

Flags a user as paid in the database. To be run once the user has paid for entry. This will also automatically assign the respective tournament’s role to the user.


[discord name] has successfully paid!


Must be run in a tournament text channel

Starts the tournament. Everyone who has paid will be in the tournament, everyone who has not paid will not be in the tournament.


Welcome to [tournament name]! There are [number of players] players!

Round 1 Pairings

@j_lancelott vs @leukocyte


Arguments: [discord name]

Drops the user from the tournament.


[discord name] dropped


Starts the next round of the tournament. If the current round is the last round, ends the tournament.

Response (if there is a next round):

Round [round number] Pairings

@j_lancelott vs @leukocyte

Response (if there is no last round):

[tournament name] has concluded, thanks for playing!


                    Record      Resistance      Opp Resistance
1. @j_lancelott     7-0-1       56%             40% 
2. @leukocyte       7-0-1       56%             39.9%