
How to add wifi connection to i-robot Roomba (tested on Roomba-500).

Adaptation cost is less than $4:

Required tools:

  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Dremel with cutting disk
  • Lime

Important documentation:

Hardware integration inside i-robot Roomba:

  • All modifications have been made with the main objective of maintaining the outer appearance of the robot as original as possible but facilitating interaction with the new hardware.
  • Disposition of the hardware inside the vacuum cleaner. Hardware location
  • Detail of new usb port to connect with ESP8266. USB port detail
  • Detail of ESP8266 with usb cable connected and stick to push reset button on ESP8266 board. Reset button detail
  • Cenital view with final ubication of ESP8266 and wires. Cenital view
  • Really has been modded? Really has been modded?