Web project template

The main goal of this repo is to provide a great starting point for web projects. We expect this to evolve over time to reflect changes in technologies and approaches.

Getting started

  • git clone git@github.com:GetBlimp/web-project-template.git name-of-new-project
  • cd name-of-new-project
  • yarn install
  • cp .env.sample .env - update file with local values

Running in development

Running in production

  • npm start

Folder structure

  • app/index.js - This is the entry point for the server.
  • app/routes - Here we define our application routes.
  • app/views - All server rendered templates go here. We use Handlebars templates.
  • app/utils - This directory is for general purpose functions. Files in this directory can be imported from the app/public/js directory for inclusion in the client side build.
  • app/public - All client side files live here.
  • app/public/bundle.js - This is the entry point for WebPack. Here we have to import / require all files we want WebPack to process. What happens to files once loaded is configured in webpack.config.js.
  • app/public/js/index.js - This file exports a function that's executed once the page is loaded. Application code should start form here. All JS files are linted with eslint and then compiled using Babel.
  • app/public/img - All image files should live here. Putting image files here ensures they get optimized using imagemin.
  • app/public/css - All styles should be defined here using the Stylus language. All Stylus files should use colons, semi-colons, commas and braces.


  • Express.js server with common middlewares
  • Handlebars templates with layouts and partials
  • Webpack build for all static assets
  • ES2015 JavaScript with Babel.js
  • JavaScript linting using eslint with eslint-config-blimp
  • Stylus CSS preprocessor with autoprefixer and normalize.css
  • Image optimization via gifsicle, jpegtran, optipng, svgo and pngquant
  • LiveReload server during development
