RSA in python

Primary LanguagePython


Encrypt messages to your friends with python and RSA!


  1. Download the repo

git clone https://github.com/jherzberg/PyRSA.git

  1. Run generate_keys.py in the command line

python generate_keys.py

  1. Give your friend your public keys

  2. Your friend runs encrypt_message.py with your public keys and their message*

python encrypt_message.py <public key e> <public key n> 'hello world'

  1. Your friend gives you the encrypted message

  2. Run decrypt message with your private keys

python decrypt_message.py <public key n> <private key d> <encrypted message>

*Only [A-Za-z] characters

Update: Now intercept and decrypt your friends' messages too!


  1. Repeat as above

  2. Obtain public keys and the encrypted message

  3. Choose your solving method. Currently there are two options.

  • A look up table
  • Pollard's Rho algorithm
  1. To solve with the lookup table, you will also need a list of primes at least as large as that which your friends used. Currently, it imports from the generate_keys.py file. Then run lookup_table.py.

    python lookup_table.py <public key e> <public key n>

  2. TO solve with the Pollard Rho algorithm, simply run pollard_rho.py

    python pollard_rho.py <public key e> <public key n>