
Pack of helpers to work with TimescaleDB extension in Ruby.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to the Timescale gem! To experiment with the code, start installing the gem:

gem install timescaledb

The tsdb CLI

When you install the gem locally, a new command line application named tsdb will be linked in your command line.

It accepts a Postgresql URI and some extra flags that can help you to get more info from your TimescaleDB server:

tsdb <uri> --stats

Where the <uri> is replaced with params from your connection like:

tsdb postgres://<user>@localhost:5432/<dbname> --stats

Or just check the stats:

tsdb "postgres://jonatasdp@localhost:5432/timescale_test" --stats

These is a sample output from database example with almost no data:

   :chunks=>{:total=>1, :compressed=>0, :uncompressed=>1},
   :size=>{:before_compressing=>"80 KB", :after_compressing=>"0 Bytes"}},
 :jobs_stats=>[{:success=>nil, :runs=>nil, :failures=>nil}]}

To start a interactive ruby/pry console use --console: The console will dynamically create models for all hypertables that it finds in the database.

Let's consider the caggs.sql as the example of database.

psql postgres://jonatasdp@localhost:5432/playground -f caggs.sql

Then use tsdb in the command line with the same URI and --stats:

tsdb postgres://jonatasdp@localhost:5432/playground --stats
   :chunks=>{:total=>1, :compressed=>0, :uncompressed=>1},
   :size=>{:uncompressed=>"88 KB", :compressed=>"0 Bytes"}},
 :jobs_stats=>[{:success=>nil, :runs=>nil, :failures=>nil}]}

To have some interactive playground with the actual database using ruby, just try the same command before changing from --stats to --console:

tsdb --console

The same database from previous example, is used so the context has a hypertable named ticks and a view named ohlc_1m.

tsdb postgres://jonatasdp@localhost:5432/playground --console

The tsdb CLI will automatically create ActiveRecord models for hypertables and continuous aggregates views.

=> Timescale::Tick(time: datetime, symbol: string, price: decimal, volume: integer)

Note that it's only created for this session and will never be cached in the library or any other place.

In this case, Tick model comes from ticks hypertable that was found in the database. It contains several extra methods inherited from acts_as_hypertable macro.

Let's start with the .hypertable method.

=> #<Timescale::Hypertable:0x00007fe99c258900
 hypertable_schema: "public",
 hypertable_name: "ticks",
 owner: "jonatasdp",
 num_dimensions: 1,
 num_chunks: 1,
 compression_enabled: false,
 is_distributed: false,
 replication_factor: nil,
 data_nodes: nil,
 tablespaces: nil>

The core of the hypertables are the fragmentation of the data into chunks that are the child tables that distribute the data. You can check all chunks directly from the hypertable relation.

unknown OID 2206: failed to recognize type of 'primary_dimension_type'. It will be treated as String.
=> [#<Timescale::Chunk:0x00007fe99c31b068
  hypertable_schema: "public",
  hypertable_name: "ticks",
  chunk_schema: "_timescaledb_internal",
  chunk_name: "_hyper_33_17_chunk",
  primary_dimension: "time",
  primary_dimension_type: "timestamp without time zone",
  range_start: 1999-12-30 00:00:00 +0000,
  range_end: 2000-01-06 00:00:00 +0000,
  range_start_integer: nil,
  range_end_integer: nil,
  is_compressed: false,
  chunk_tablespace: nil,
  data_nodes: nil>]

Chunks are created by partitioning a hypertable's data into one (or potentially multiple) dimensions. All hypertables are partitioned by the values belonging to a time column, which may be in timestamp, date, or various integer forms. If the time partitioning interval is one day, for example, then rows with timestamps that belong to the same day are co-located within the same chunk, while rows belonging to different days belong to different chunks. Learn more here.

Another core concept of TimescaleDB is compression. With data partitioned, it becomes very convenient to compress and decompress chunks independently.

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::FeatureNotSupported: ERROR:  compression not enabled on "ticks"
DETAIL:  It is not possible to compress chunks on a hypertable that does not have compression enabled.
HINT:  Enable compression using ALTER TABLE with the timescaledb.compress option.

As compression is not enabled, let's do it executing a plain SQL directly from the actual context. To borrow a connection, let's use the Tick object.

Tick.connection.execute("ALTER TABLE ticks SET (timescaledb.compress)") # => PG_OK

And now, it's possible to compress and decompress:


Learn more about TimescaleDB compression here.

The ohlc_1m view is also available as an ActiveRecord:

=> Timescale::Ohlc1m(bucket: datetime, symbol: string, open: decimal, high: decimal, low: decimal, close: decimal, volume: integer)

And you can run any query as you do with regular active record queries.

Ohlc1m.order(bucket: :desc).last
=> #<Timescale::Ohlc1m:0x00007fe99c2c38e0
 bucket: 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC,
 symbol: "SYMBOL",
 open: 0.13e2,
 high: 0.3e2,
 low: 0.1e1,
 close: 0.1e2,
 volume: 27600>


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'timescaledb'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install timescaledb


You can check the all_in_one.rb that will:

  1. Create hypertable with compression settings
  2. Insert data
  3. Run some queries
  4. Check chunk size per model
  5. Compress a chunk
  6. Check chunk status
  7. Decompress a chunk


Create table is now with the hypertable keyword allowing to pass a few options to the function call while also using create_table method:

create_table with :hypertable

hypertable_options = {
  time_column: 'created_at',
  chunk_time_interval: '1 min',
  compress_segmentby: 'identifier',
  compression_interval: '7 days'

create_table(:events, id: false, hypertable: hypertable_options) do |t|
  t.string :identifier, null: false
  t.jsonb :payload


This example shows a ticks table grouping ticks as OHLCV histograms for every minute.

hypertable_options = {
  time_column: 'created_at',
  chunk_time_interval: '1 min',
  compress_segmentby: 'symbol',
  compress_orderby: 'created_at',
  compression_interval: '7 days'
create_table :ticks, hypertable: hypertable_options, id: false do |t|
  t.string :symbol
  t.decimal :price
  t.integer :volume
Tick = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
  self.table_name = 'ticks'
  self.primary_key = 'symbol'

query = Tick.select(<<~QUERY)
  time_bucket('1m', created_at) as time,
  FIRST(price, created_at) as open,
  MAX(price) as high,
  MIN(price) as low,
  LAST(price, created_at) as close,
  SUM(volume) as volume").group("1,2")

options = {
  with_data: false,
  refresh_policies: {
    start_offset: "INTERVAL '1 month'",
    end_offset: "INTERVAL '1 minute'",
    schedule_interval: "INTERVAL '1 minute'"

create_continuous_aggregates('ohlc_1m', query, **options)

Hypertable Helpers

You can say acts_as_hypertable to get access to some basic scopes for your model:

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = "identifier"


After including the helpers, several methods from timescaledb will be available in the model.


To get chunks from a single hypertable, you can use the .chunks directly from the model name.

# DEBUG: Timescale::Chunk Load (9.0ms)  SELECT "timescaledb_information"."chunks".* FROM "timescaledb_information"."chunks" WHERE "timescaledb_information"."chunks"."hypertable_name" = $1  [["hypertable_name", "events"]]
# => [#<Timescale::Chunk:0x00007f94b0c86008
#   hypertable_schema: "public",
#   hypertable_name: "events",
#   chunk_schema: "_timescaledb_internal",
#   chunk_name: "_hyper_180_74_chunk",
#   primary_dimension: "created_at",
#   primary_dimension_type: "timestamp without time zone",
#   range_start: 2021-09-22 21:28:00 +0000,
#   range_end: 2021-09-22 21:29:00 +0000,
#   range_start_integer: nil,
#   range_end_integer: nil,
#   is_compressed: false,
#   chunk_tablespace: nil,
#   data_nodes: nil>

To get all hypertables you can use Timescale.hypertables method.

Hypertable metadata from model

To get all details from hypertable, you can access the .hypertable from the model.

# Timescale::Hypertable Load (4.8ms)  SELECT "timescaledb_information"."hypertables".* FROM "timescaledb_information"."hypertables" WHERE "timescaledb_information"."hypertables"."hypertable_name" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["hypertable_name", "events"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
# => #<Timescale::Hypertable:0x00007f94c3151cd8
#  hypertable_schema: "public",
#  hypertable_name: "events",
#  owner: "jonatasdp",
#  num_dimensions: 1,
#  num_chunks: 1,
#  compression_enabled: true,
#  is_distributed: false,
#  replication_factor: nil,
#  data_nodes: nil,
#  tablespaces: nil>

You can also use Timescale.hypertables to have access of all hypertables metadata.

Compression Settings

Compression settings are accessible through the hypertable.

#  Timescale::Hypertable Load (1.2ms)  SELECT "timescaledb_information"."hypertables".* FROM "timescaledb_information"."hypertables" WHERE "timescaledb_information"."hypertables"."hypertable_name" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["hypertable_name", "events"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
#  Timescale::CompressionSettings Load (1.2ms)  SELECT "timescaledb_information"."compression_settings".* FROM "timescaledb_information"."compression_settings" WHERE "timescaledb_information"."compression_settings"."hypertable_name" = $1  [["hypertable_name", "events"]]
# => [#<Timescale::CompressionSettings:0x00007f94b0bf7010
#   hypertable_schema: "public",
#   hypertable_name: "events",
#   attname: "identifier",
#   segmentby_column_index: 1,
#   orderby_column_index: nil,
#   orderby_asc: nil,
#   orderby_nullsfirst: nil>,
#  #<Timescale::CompressionSettings:0x00007f94b0c3e460
#   hypertable_schema: "public",
#   hypertable_name: "events",
#   attname: "created_at",
#   segmentby_column_index: nil,
#   orderby_column_index: 1,
#   orderby_asc: true,
#   orderby_nullsfirst: false>]

It's also possible to access all data calling Timescale.compression_settings.

RSpec Hooks

In case you want to use TimescaleDB on a Rails environment, you may have some issues as the schema dump used for tests is not considering hypertables metadata.

If you add the acts_as_hypertable to your model, you can dynamically verify if the Timescale::ActsAsHypertable module is included to create the hypertable for testing environment.

Consider adding this hook to your spec/rspec_helper.rb file:

  config.before(:suite) do
    hypertable_models = ApplicationRecord
      .select{|clazz| clazz.included_modules.include?(Timescale::ActsAsHypertable)
    hypertable_models.each do |clazz|
      if clazz.hypertable.exists?
        ApplicationRecord.logger.info "skip recreating hypertable for '#{clazz.table_name}'."
      ApplicationRecord.connection.execute <<~SQL
        SELECT create_hypertable('#{clazz.table_name}', 'created_at')


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run tsdb for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

You can create a .env file locally to run tests locally. Make sure to put your own credentials there!


You can put some postgres URI directly as a parameter of tsdb. Here is an example from the console:

tsdb "postgres://jonatasdp@localhost:5432/timescale_test"

More resources

This library was started on twitch.tv/timescaledb. You can watch all episodes here:

  1. Wrapping Functions to Ruby Helpers.
  2. Extending ActiveRecord with Timescale Helpers.
  3. Setup Hypertables for Rails testing environment.
  4. Packing the code to this repository.
  5. the code to this repository.
  6. Working with Timescale continuous aggregates.
  7. Creating the command-line application in Ruby to explore the Timescale API.


Here is a list of functions that would be great to have:

  • Dump and Restore Timescale metadata - Like db/schema.rb but for Timescale configuration.
  • Add data nodes support


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jonatas/timescale. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Timescale project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.