
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Training Large Language Models on Google Cloud

Large language models are one of the most popular machine learning models. They have been shown to achieve high scores in benchmarks on different NLP tasks. There is a tendency of noticeable improvements which have been recorded as the model size grows. For example, the T5 model comes in various sizes:

  • T5 small : 60 million parameters
  • T5 base: 220 million parameters
  • T5 large: 770 million parameters
  • T5 XL: 3 billion parameters
  • T5 XXL: 11 billions parameters

The T5 XXL achieves higher benchmark scores on multiple NLP tasks in comparison to smaller T5 models. When we fine tune it for summarization, we get better output quality as you can see some of our sample results

The challenges of training large language models are multiple. To start with, it needs a large infrastructure of compute resources. Multiple machines with multiple hardware accelerators such as GPUs and TPUs are needed to train a single model. Getting the infrastructure ready for running is just the start of the challenge. When training starts, it could take multiple days for training to converge. This, besides the fact that we are training on a large number of hardware, increases the probability of experiencing a failure during training. If training fails, we need to restart and get the infrastructure ready again and resume where we left off.

In addition to these problems, we face the common production ready machine learning problems. Such as, reliable retraining, data storage, checkpoint storage, model versioning, tracking model quality and deployment to production.

The Hugging Face transformer library is a very popular machine learning library that has made the most popular machine learning models available to a wide range of users. It provides a simple and standard approach to perform, data preprocessing, training, fine tuning and inference. In addition, it provided support for deepspeed which is a distributed machine learning framework that enables the training and finetuning of models across multiple GPUs and multiple nodes.

Google Cloud Platform is one of the largest cloud providers which provides compute infrastructure suitable for training large language models. Accelerator-optimized machines equipped with NVidia A100 GPU cards, available on GCP, are very capable hardware VMs that can produce performance when used for training machine learning models. In addition to the compute infrastructure, GCP offers ML Ops automation services via Vertex AI. We use Vertex AI Pipelines to run our fine tuning pipeline. We use Vertex AI Endpoints to serve our model.

In this effort, we provide a fully functioning example of how can we use GCP tools as well as the HuggingFace transformer library in conjunction with deepseed to finetune a large language model (T5 XXL) for a text summarization task in a production ready pipeline that anyone can run in their own GCP project. Here is a summary of task and tooling we are going to use:

  • Task: Text Summarization
  • Implementation: Hugging Face Transformers library
  • Distributed Framework: Deepspeed (ZeRO stage 3)
  • Infrastructure: Google Cloud
  • Cluster Management: AI Infra cluster provisioning tool
  • Production Pipeline: Vertex AI Pipelines
  • Model Management: Vertex AI Models
  • Deployment for Inference: Vertex AI Endpoints
  • Model Storage: Google Cloud Storage
  • Data Storage: Google Cloud Storage

Quick Start Guide


  1. Make sure you have gcloud installed and that you are authenticated including application default authentication

    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Install kfp and abseil packages

    pip install kfp absl-py google-cloud-aiplatform


Follow these instructions To run T5 training on a GPU cluster:

  1. In your project, enable services needed to run the pipeline. You can do this by issuing the following command:

        export PROJECT_ID=<your project ID>
        gcloud services enable aiplatform.googleapis.com cloudfunctions compute.googleapis.com iam.googleapis.com cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com --project=${PROJECT_ID}
  2. Create a regional bucket in the same project. Make sure you choose to make it a regional bucket and choose the same region as where your pipeline will run. us-central1 recommended.

        export BUCKET_NAME=<your choice of a globally unique bucket ID>
        gcloud alpha storage buckets create gs://$BUCKET_NAME --project=$PROJECT_ID --location=us-central1 --uniform-bucket-level-access
  3. Clone this repo from the repository

    git clone https://github.com/gcp-llm-platform/llm-pipeline.git
    cd llm-pipeline
  4. Run the following command:

    python3 pipeline.py --project=$PROJECT_ID --pipeline_root=gs://$BUCKET_NAME/pipeline_runs/ --config=configs/<config>

    Replace <config> with one of the precreated configs below or create your own config as described in here:

    • small1vm1gpu.json To create a single VM cluster with 1 A100 GPU and finetune T5 small on it.

    • small2vm16gpu.json To create a 2 VM cluster with 16 A100 GPU each and finetune T5 small on it.

    • xxl2vm16gpu.json To create a 2 VM cluster with 16 A100 GPU each and finetune T5 XXL on it. Caution: takes multiple days

    • xxl8vm16gpu.json To create a 2 VM cluster with 16 A100 GPU each and finetune T5 XXL on it. Caution: takes multiple days

    Make sure you have enough Quota for the number of A2 VMs and A100 GPUs you select. You can learn more about Google Cloud quota from here

    The tool displays a link to the pipeline after it finishes. Go to the link to watch the pipeline progress. The pipeline looks like:


Test your pipeline

  1. After your pipeline completes successfully, expand the 'condition' node and click on the 'deploy' node inside. Under 'Output Parameters', copy the Value of 'endpoint'. Create an environment variable with the value:

    export ENDPOINT_ID="<The value you copied>"
  2. Create a json file with the following content or any article of your choice:

    "instances": [
        "Sandwiched between a second-hand bookstore and record shop in Cape Town's charmingly grungy suburb of Observatory is a blackboard reading 'Tapi Tapi -- Handcrafted, authentic African ice cream.' The parlor has become one of Cape Town's most talked about food establishments since opening in October 2020. And in its tiny kitchen, Jeff is creating ice cream flavors like no one else. Handwritten in black marker on the shiny kitchen counter are today's options: Salty kapenta dried fish (blitzed), toffee and scotch bonnet chile Sun-dried blackjack greens and caramel, Malted millet ,Hibiscus, cloves and anise. Using only flavors indigenous to the African continent, Guzha's ice cream has become the tool through which he is reframing the narrative around African food. 'This (is) ice cream for my identity, for other people's sake,' Jeff tells CNN. 'I think the (global) food story doesn't have much space for Africa ... unless we're looking at the generic idea of African food,' he adds. 'I'm not trying to appeal to the global universe -- I'm trying to help Black identities enjoy their culture on a more regular basis.'"

    Save the file and give it a name. For this example, prediction.json

  3. Do a prediction using the following command:

    curl \
        -X POST \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        https://us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/endpoints/${ENDPOINT_ID}:predict \
        -d "@prediction.json"

Expected Output

  1. If you used a configurtion with the T5 small model (60M parameters), the output would be like:
  "predictions": [
    "'Tapi Tapi -- Handcrafted, authentic African ice cream' is a",
  "deployedModelId": "8744807401842016256",
  "model": "projects/649215667094/locations/us-central1/models/6720808805245911040",
  "modelDisplayName": "t5",
  "modelVersionId": "12"
  1. If you use a configurtion with the T5 XXL (11B parameters), the output would be like:
  "predictions": [
    "Tapi Tapi is an ice cream parlor in Cape Town, South Africa.",
  "deployedModelId": "8744807401842016256",
  "model": "projects/649215667094/locations/us-central1/models/6720808805245911040",
  "modelDisplayName": "t5",
  "modelVersionId": "12"

Customize your pipeline

Aside from those standard configurations. You can configure your pipeline to run on any dataset, use any supported model, using any GCP hardware as well as other configurations. Here is the details of preparing a configuration JSON:

 "dataset": "cnn_dailymail",
 "dataset_subset": "3.0.0",
 "document_column": "article",
 "summary_column": "highlights",
 "cluster_prefix" : "t5node",
 "zone" : "us-central1-c",
 "node_count" : 13,
 "model_checkpoint" : "google/t5-v1_1-xxl",
 "machine_type" : "a2-ultragpu-8g",
 "gpu_type" : "nvidia-a100-80gb",
 "gpu_count" : 8,
 "batch_size" : 19,
 "epochs" : 7,
 "model_display_name" : "t5",
 "deploy_machine_type" : "a2-highgpu-2g",
 "deploy_gpu_type" : "NVIDIA_TESLA_A100",
 "deploy_gpu_count" : 2

Here is a description of what each configuration parameter does:

  • dataset: Title of the dataset from huggingface.co. To use a custom dataset, this can be set to a GCS path.
  • dataset_subset: If the dataset has multiple subsets, this should be the dataset subset name. For datasets with no subsets, this should be set to "default".
  • document_column: The name of the document column from the dataset.
  • summary_column: The name of the summary column from the dataset.
  • cluster_prefix: A prefix to name VMs and Instance groups created by the pipeline.
  • zone: GCP zone to run the pipeline.
  • node_count: Number of VM nodes to run finetuning
  • model_checkpoint: Name of model checkpoint to start finetuning from.
  • machine_type: GCE machine type for fine tuning VMs.
  • gpu_type: GPU type to be attached to each finetuning VM.
  • gpu_count: Number of GPUs per VM.
  • batch_size: Fine tuning batch size.
  • epochs: Fine tuning epochs.
  • model_display_name: Name of Vertex AI uploaded model and endpoint
  • deploy_machine_type: Type of VM used for serving the model after deployment. It can be any machine supported by Vertex AI Prediction as listed here.
  • deploy_gpu_type: Type of GPU attached to serving VM.
  • deploy_gpu_count: Number of GPUs attached to serving VM.

How it works


This is the ingestion step for the data. Currently, it uses huggingface.co datasets library. To learn more about loading datasets using this library, check out the library reference. Eventually, the data is downloaded to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). The next steps in the pipeline are expecting the data to be in GCS. This works well for datasets in the multi GB order of magnitude. In our future work, we will present how to process larger datasets using DataFlow. The full training scripts can be found here.

We package this as a pipeline component that produces the dataset on GCP. The component takes the dataset and subset as input. These correspond to the ‘path’ and ‘name’ parameters passed directly to datasets.load_dataset. You can learn more about loading datasets here:

Download component Download Parameters

In the example, we use the CNN Dailymail dataset. The code is packaged in a container available here.


As part of the summarization task, we tokenize our dataset during the preprocessing stage. The full script for tokenization can be found [here]. When we are finished processing, we upload the tokenized dataset to the output GCS path.

This component allows the use of dataset formats supported by datasets.load_dataset. All the user needs to do is specify which column in the dataset contains the document body and which column contains the document summary.

Preprocess component Preprocess Parameters

Fine Tuning

In this step of the pipeline we take the tokenized dataset and train a base model to be finetuned on the dataset. For large language models, this is typically the step that consumes most resources and takes a significant amount of time. Depending on how much GPUs are used for training and how many epochs you run the training for, this could vary from hours to days.

Fine tuning component Fine tuning Parameters

The general workflow for finetuning is that we spawn a cluster of GPU VMs on GCP. In the example shown we use 8 A2 plus matches with 8 A100 GPUs. We preprovision them with DLVM images that include the necessary GPU drivers including NVidia Common Communication Library (NCCL). We download our training code which is packaged in a docker image. And use deepspeed to launch and coordinate our training across all the VMS. We use fluentd to collect logs from the VMs and upload to Google Cloud Logging. We save model checkpoints to GCS including the final trained model.

Training architecture

Let’s look at the implementation of some of these parts:

Cluster Provisioning

To provision the cluster of VMs, we use a pre created container we call ‘batch container’ . The container is available here. It is based on the cluster provisioning tool container available here. Creating VMs using the tool is as simple as filling a few environment variables and calling an entry point. It will automatically create the cluster with an image of choice and run a starting command on all VMs.

When the job completes successfully, we call the entry point again requesting the destruction of the cluster.

Training Container

All the VMs will be provisioned with the DLVM image with NVidia drivers preinstalled. The VMs will download the training docker image and invoke the training start command. The training container is available here . And you can find the fine tuning scripts here.

The container image has some pre-installed packages and configuration. This includes:

  • Transformer libraries and deepspeed with compiled ops
  • ssh server that allows deepspeed launcher to launch training inside the container
  • Google Cloud logging agent to collect logs from the container and publish to the cloud.
  • Training scripts

The head node will invoke the head script which:

  • Configures ssh to talk to all servers in the cluster
  • Configures fluentd to collect logs
  • Invokes deepspeed with correct config to run the training script using ZeRO stage 3

In turn, deep speed would use its default ssh launcher to launch the training scripts on all cluster containers.

Saving to GCS

The training scripts use the Huggingface transformer library to finetune a summarization task on the given dataset. To save the progress of training as it goes, we create a training callback that uploads each checkpoint to GCS. The call back looks like this:

class GCSSaveCallback(TrainerCallback):
 """A [`TrainerCallback`] that handles checkpoints.

 def on_save(self, args: TrainingArguments, state: TrainerState,
             control: TrainerControl, **kwargs):
   checkpoint_folder = f'checkpoint-{state.global_step}'
   local_output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, checkpoint_folder)
   if not os.path.exists(local_output_dir):
          'Check point called for a non existing checkpoint %s',
   gcs_root, gcs = utils.gcs_path(FLAGS.gcs_output)
   gcs_output_dir = os.path.join(gcs_root, local_output_dir)
   logging.info('Uploading %s....', gcs_output_dir)
   gcs.put(local_output_dir, gcs_output_dir, recursive=True)
   return None

When the model is completely trained, we save the final copy to GCS.

Evaluation and metrics

When the model finishes training, we run our evaluation to collect the model accuracy number. In this case, since it is a summarization task, we collect ROUGE scores for the model. You can learn more about ROUGE scores here. Once we have the final scores, we save them along the model to GCS. By saving the model metrics along with the model, we are able to figure out the model performance just by looking at the saved model without having to run evaluation again as in the example below:


Model deployment

Now that our model is ready, we want to provide it as a service for authorized users to call. This can serve as a backend to a frontend web application. We go with a simple and quick solution to demo our model. For larger models or production class deployment, we could use an Nvidia Triton Inference Server. For this purpose, we use Vertex AI Prediction which provides us with the quickest path to serve our model. In future work, we will discuss serving using NVidia Triton Inference Server.

Deployment component Deployment Parameters

We package the model serving code in a simple prediction container which is available here. The container packs a Flask server with a simple python script that uses deepspeed to perform prediction from the model. It implements the necessary REST APIs required by Vertex AI Prediction.

Deciding to deploy

When we upload the model to Vertex AI, we attach the model metrics as labels to the model. This way we can easily look up the model accuracy just by looking at the model in Vertex AI. This also helps us compare metrics between newly trained models and previously deployed models to decide whether the new model is performing better than the previous model. This assures us that we are always improving the model performance as we run the training pipeline in consecutive iterations.

Should deploy component

Current Pipeline Limitations


The pipeline only supports data that is loadable using load_dataset. It works well for data less than 100GB. For larger dataset, users will need to write custom processing scripts on Dataflow.


The pipeline VM types supported by GCP Compute Engine. For a full list, check GCE GPU Platforms. You can create a cluster of any size as long as you have the quota for it.


For the summarization task, we support any sequence to sequence model in the huggingface.co model repository. This includes T5, mT5, BART and Marian models. For more information about sequence 2 sequence models, check here. The model can be of any size as long as corresponding parameters (batch size, number of nodes, number of GPUs, etc ..) can make the model fit into the compute cluster.

Deployment Scale

Currently we support SKUs that are available for Vertex AI Prediction which can be found here.

Future Work

Dataflow Processing

To process larger datasets, preprocessing can’t happen on a single node. It needs to be done in parallel using Dataflow. We will add support to processing large datasets using Dataflow. This will allow training on large corpuses (e.g C4) .

NVidia Megatron

Currently, the pipeline uses deepspeed ZeRO for model partitioning which uses distributed data parallel processing of the model. To allow even larger models (e.g. GPT3) and use Model Parallel , we will add support to NVidia Megatron.

More Tasks

We currently only implement a summarization task. We can add support to more tasks that support different classes of models (e.g. encoder only and decoder only models).

Integration with DGCM monitoring

With the new release of the DGCM monitoring plugin for GKE, we will be able to view GPU metrics in the cluster as the training makes progress. This will allow for better visibility and profiling.

NVIDIA Triton Server

We can switch serving to an NVidia triton server instead of deepspeed. This will allow for very fast inference suitable for production use.

Automatic restart from a check point of failure

Currently restart is done manually from a checkpoint. We need to have failure detection and automatic restart from the last checkpoint if a failure occurs.