A Python wrapper for MATLAB's gsvd function (generalized singular value decomposition).
Installation instructions:
Make sure MATLAB is installed.
pip install matlabengine
. -
pip install gsvdm2py
This was made as a quick work-around to address the lack of a GSVD code in Python that (1) works in call cases of matrix dimensions (2) is easy to install.
Some links to existing Python GSVD implementations:
- pygsvd: a Python wrapper for LAPACK's gsvd. Should work in all cases.
- pygensvd: same as above, but uses cmake for compilation. Should work in all cases.
- trips-py: a native Python implementation. Requires that left-most dimensions of both input matrices are greater than or equal to their shared rightmost dimension.
import numpy as np
from gsvdm2py import gsvd
# Size of test matrices
m = 200
p = 195
n = 100
# Draw random test matrices with standard Gaussian entries
A = np.random.normal(size=(m,n))
B = np.random.normal(size=(p,n))
# Compute GSVD. Can specify mode="econ" for economic, or pass a matlab.engine object to eng to use a pre-existing engine.
eng = None
U, V, X, C, S = gsvd(A, B, mode="full", eng=eng)
# Validate the decomposition? The GSVD outputs are such that:
# A = U @ C @ X.T.conj()
# B = V @ S @ X.T.conj()
# C.T.conj() @ C + S.T.conj() @ S = I
# These should be near zero
print(np.linalg.norm( A - (U @ C @ X.T.conj() )))
print(np.linalg.norm( B - (V @ S @ X.T.conj() )))
print(np.linalg.norm( (C.T.conj() @ C) + (S.T.conj() @ S) - np.eye(C.shape[1])) )