
Simple redis-backed secret management.

Primary LanguagePython

Crypt Keeper

A very simple tool for managing encrypted secrets stored in Redis.

This tool is designed to be used as part of a SaltStack external pillar, but the CLI component can be used on its own if desired.


$ git clone https://github.com/jlindsey/crypt-keeper.git
$ cd crypt-keeper
$ python setup.py install
$ crypt-keeper -h


Crypt Keeper uses Google's keyczar library for encryption and decryption. You must initialize a key directory yourself first before using Crypt Keeper. The keyczart tool should already be installed as a dependency if you've installed Crypt Keeper first.

$ keyczart create --location=/etc/crypt-keeper --purpose=crypt
$ keyczart addkey --location=/etc/crypt-keeper --status=primary --size=256
$ chmod 0600 /etc/crypt-keeper/*

Run these commands as a privileged user and make sure no other users have read or write access to the files within your key directory. CryptKeeper will look in /etc/crypt-keeper by default, but you can put your keys anywhere and run crypt-keeper with the --dir=DIRECTORY option.

External Pillar

This tool was developed to function as an external pillar for SaltStack, and contains a module to aid in this. A very simple external pillar module and config can be found in this Gist.

When creating secrets using the crypt-keeper tool for use with Salt, you should add an extra key to the entry called __minions__. This should be a comma-delimited set of minion id globs that have access to this secret, in the same way you would configure a normal pillar top.sls file.

For example, an AWS credential secret might look like this:

  "__minions__": "app*,worker*",
  "aws_access_key_id": "XXX",
  "aws_secret_access_key": "XXX"

If the __minions__ key is omitted, the secret will be available to all minions (as though the secret had a "__minions__": "*" entry).