Based on


Install the following dependencies (in a virtualenv preferably)

pip3 install ray[tune]==0.7.7 gym[all] mujoco_py>=2 tensorflow-gpu==1.13.2 scipy numpy

This code base uses ray, if you would like to use multiple machines, see the ray documentation for details.

We also make use of ray's native tensorflow ops. Please compile them by running

python3 -c 'import ray; from pyarrow import plasma as plasma; plasma.build_plasma_tensorflow_op()'

Meta Training

python3 train --objective_type learned-reinforce-3factor-withstate --reset_after_low 50000 --reset_after_high 500000 --env_name Reacher-v2 --agent_count 20 --timesteps 1000000

Example OBJECTIVE_TYPE: learned-withstate-rank1 By default, this requires a local machine with 4 GPUs to run 20 agents in parallel.

Meta Testing

python3.6 test --objective_type learned-reinforce-3factor-withstate --objective TRAINING_DIRECTORY --chkp -1 --name DESIRED_NAME_FOR_EVALUATION_LOGS --env_name Reacher-v2 --timesteps 500000

TRAINING_DIRECTORY will look something like public-None_cd08d900_2021-12-22_02-07-18cep_yk9o

This only requires a single GPU on your machine.