
my first fullstack aplication with full user C.R.U.D functionality

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Structure - create the following files/folders:
  • index.js
  • .env
  • controllers/
  • database/
  • models/
  • public/
  • routes/
  • views/
  1. Initiate node project
  • Open terminal
  • navigate to the root folder (the ls command should show the structure)
  • use command npm init -y
  1. Test that the server can run
  • In terminal, use command npm install express
  • Write on index.js:
    • Import Express
    • Create the app variable
    • Declare a port, and do app.listen(PORT)
  • In terminal, use command node index.js
  1. Create views for client to see, using EJS
  • In terminal, use command npm install ejs

  • Create ./views/index.ejs

  • Start with a boiler plate, and add a heading in the body to be seen

  • Create ./routes/viewRouters/ and ./views/viewRouters/viewRouter.js

  • Write on viewRouter.js:

    • Import Express
    • Create router variable
    • Write a router.get("/") to respond with the ejs file
    • module.exports = router
  • Write on index.js:

    • Import path
    • Write Middleware for:
      • Setting the view engine to EJS
      • Set the views to look at the ./views/
      • Use the ./public folder for static files (CSS)
    • Import the router file
    • Use the base URL when using viewsRouter.js
  • Run the server and TEST IT

  1. Test basic connection to database
  • Write on .env file, define MONGODB_URI with your database connection string

    • Open up Compass
    • connect to your cluster
    • Copy connection string from the ... in the top left
    • Change the extension at the end to rename your database (...mongodb.net/fullStack)
  • In terminal, npm install mongoose dotenv

  • Create ./database/mongodb.js:

    • Import mongoose
    • require("dotenv").config()
    • mongoose.set('strictQuery', false);
    • Create a connection function
    • Export the connection function
  • On index.js:

    • Import ./database/mongodb.js
    • Run the function in the callback of app.listen()
  • Run the server and TEST IT

  1. Set up a model, controller, and routes for a single collection
  • Create ./models/pokemonModel.js:

    • Import mongoose
    • Define a schema
    • Model the schema
    • Export the model
  • Create ./controllers/pokemonController.js:

    • Import the Model
    • Write a function that returns the entire collection
    • Export the controller functions
  • Create ./routes/api/ folder

  • Create ./routes/api/pokemonRouter.js:

    • Import Express & create router variable
    • Import the appropriate controller
    • Write a GET method to extension /allPokemon
    • Export the router
  • On index.js:

    • Import the pokemonRouter.js
    • Use URL extension /api for this router
  • Create ./models/allPokemon.json to insert the data via Compass

  • Run the server, and TEST THE GET METHOD VIA POSTMAN

  1. Create an EJS view for ALL pokemon
  • Create ./views/allMons.ejs:

    • Start with a boiler plate
    • Use EJS forEach() to loop over data and generate elements for each property in the pokemons collection:
      • PokedexNo - h1
      • Name - h2
      • Type - h3
      • Moves - ul > forEach(li)
  • Create ./controllers/api/ and move the pokemonController.js into it (update the import on ./routes/api/pokemonRouter.js)

  • Create ./controllers/view/

  • Create ./controllers/view/viewController.js:

    • Import the pokemonModel
    • Define the async function renderAllPokemon
    • Export the function
  • On ./routes/viewRouters/viewRouter.js:

    • Import the viewController
    • Write a GET method for URL extension /allMons, use the renderAllPokemon as the callback
  • Run server and TEST IT

  1. Create a back-end route for ONE pokemon using dynamic parameters
  • On ./controllers/api/pokemonController.js:

    • Define function getOnePokemon
    • Export getOnePokemon
  • On ./routes/api/pokemonRouter.js:

    • Import getOnePokemon
    • Write a GET method for URL extension /onePokemon/:name, use the getOnePokemon as the callback
  1. Create a front-end view for ONE pokemon using dynamic parameters
  • Create ./views/oneMon.ejs:

    • PokedexNo - h1
    • Name - h2
    • Type - h3
    • Moves - ul > forEach(li)
  • On ./controllers/view/viewController.js:

    • Define function renderOnePokemonByName
    • Export renderOnePokemonByName
  • On ./routes/viewRouters/viewRouter.js:

    • Import renderOnePokemonByName
    • Write a GET method for URL extension /oneMon/:name, use the renderOnePokemonByName as the callback
  • On ./views/allMons.ejs:

    • Wrap the names in an a tag, using /oneMon/<%=mon.Name%> as the href
  1. Create a back-end route for CREATE one pokemon
  • On ./controllers/api/pokemonController.js:

    • Define function createOnePokemon
    • Export createOnePokemon
  • On ./routes/api/pokemonRouter.js:

    • Import createOnePokemon
    • Write a POST method for URL extension /createOnePokemon
  1. Create a front-end view for CREATE one pokemon
  • Create ./views/createMon.ejs

    • Uses a form to collect what would normally be the req.body
    • Set up the form to make a POST request to URL localhost:3000/api/createOnePokemon
  • On ./routes/viewRouters/viewRouter.js:

    • Write a GET method for URL extension /createOneMon to render the view
  • On ./controllers/view/viewController.js:

    • Define function renderCreatePokemonForm to render the view only
    • Export renderCreatePokemonForm

  1. Connect back-end to receive front-end form data to CREATE one pokemon
  • On ./controllers/api/pokemonController.js:
    • Edit function createOnePokemon to accept form data
    • Parse the Moves list to be an array instead of a string
    • Redirect to localhost:3000/oneMon/:name
  1. Create a back-end route to DELETE one pokemon
  • On ./controllers/api/pokemonController.js:

    • Define function deleteOnePokemon
    • Export deleteOnePokemon
  • On ./routes/api/pokemonRouter.js:

    • Import deleteOnePokemon
    • Write DELETE method for URL extension /api/deleteOnePokemon/:name
  1. Create a front-end button to DELETE one pokemon from the database
  • On ./views/oneMon.ejs:
    • Make a Delete button on the bottom of the page. It should send to the backend delete method via the form's action
  1. Connect the back-end to respond to front-end request appropriately
  • In Terminal:

    • Use command npm install method-override
  • On index.js:

    • Import Method Override at the top
    • Use the middleware as such: app.use(methodOverride('_method'));
  • On ./views/oneMon.ejs

    • Use ?_method=DELETE at the end of the form's action attribute
    • Use name="_method" inside the delete button
  • On ./controllers/api/pokemonController.js:

    • Redirect client to the /allMons URL extension# Pokemon-app