This application shows how to implement remote modals windows in rails application.
The original version was the code for the article: http://www.jetthoughts.com/blog/tech/2014/08/27/5-steps-to-add-remote-modals-to-your-rails-app.html. However this code uses Slim whereas the article doesn't.
Working (well, it's not) demo you can find on heroku: http://remote-modals-demo.herokuapp.com/
Once the setup is done, to actually use it, the magic in the controller is:
class MessagesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :json
def new
@message = Message.new
respond_modal_with @message
And in the view, to actually invoke the modal, you say:
<%= link_to 'Add message', new_message_path, data: { modal: true } %>