“More than half of application performance bottlenecks originate in the database - http://www.appdynamics.com/database/
“Like us, our users place a lot of value in speed — that's why we've decided to take site speed into account in our search rankings.” Google Ranking
“It has been reported that every 100ms of latency costs Amazon 1% of profit." http://radar.oreilly.com/2008/08/radar-theme-web-ops.html
JPA is only a specification. It describes the interfaces that the client operates with and the standard object-relational mapping metadata (annotations, XML).
Although it implements the JPA specification, Hibernate retains its native API for both backward compatibility and to accommodate non-standard features.
First off all, we need to create a Postgres database with the name hibernate-tunings
in the port 5432
For example, we can use Docker to create that resource:
docker run --name hibernate-tunings \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_DB=postgresdemos \
-v $(pwd)"/hibernate-tunings:/var/lib/postgresql/data" -d postgres:11.4
Or, simply run the docker-compose up command, which will raise a database and run the migrations for us:
docker-compose up
To run all modules in a single command, we can execute:
mvn flyway:migrate -pl database-migrations \
-Dflyway.configFiles=local.conf \
-Dflyway.locations=filesystem:database-migrations/migration \
&& mvn clean install -pl helpers \
&& mvn clean package
- Run the migrations:
mvn flyway:migrate -pl database-migrations \
-Dflyway.configFiles=local.conf \
Or, in alternative:
cd database-migrations
mvn flyway:migrate -Dflyway.configFiles=local.conf
- build and run all the examples.
mvn clean install -pl helpers && mvn clean package
JPA Relationships Types
- SingleTable About
- DiscriminatorColumn
- JoinedInheritance with JoinTable
Persistence Context and Flushing
- all the examples can be found in the module
in the package:io.costax.hibernatetunning.persistencecontext
- all the examples can be found in the module
- 1st and 2nd level and query caches
- 1st level (Persistence Context)
- 2nd Level
- Query cache
- 2nd level cache in JavaEE Application Server Example with infinispan (cache2ndee project)
- 1st and 2nd level and query caches
Bulk Operations
Batching of write operations
- Concurrency About
- Isolation Issues
- Pessimistic Locking
- Optimistic-locking
- Force Version Increment
- Timeout:
- Deadlocks
How to map a JPA entity to a View or SQL query using Hibernate
How to intercept entity changes with hibernate event listeners
How to use windows functions to optimise pagination
- Fix
HHH000104: firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!
- Fix
Enabling the hibernate.query.fail_on_pagination_over_collection_fetch configuration
- Since Hibernate ORM 5.2.13, you can now enable the hibernate.query.fail_on_pagination_over_collection_fetch configuration property as follows:
- Using JPA property
<property name="hibernate.query.fail_on_pagination_over_collection_fetch" value="true"/>
Hibernate maven enhance plugin - enable Lazy Initialization
- Fix
N + 1
problem withhibernate-enhance-plugin
- Impacts of enhance plugin on
relationship when this is marked withfetch=LAZY
- Fix
How to exclude distinct keyword from the generated JPQL and Criteria Queries
How to use bytecode enhancement dirty checking with hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin
How to use NotFound hibernate annotation, Action to do when an element is not found on a association
How to Join @ManyToOne of multiple subtypes in multiple collections in the same entity
How to implement a Hibernate ResultTransformer in JPA Criteria Query
How logging Hibernate slow query
<property name="hibernate.session.events.log.LOG_QUERIES_SLOWER_THAN_MS" value="25"/>
How to keep Order in a Collections using javax.persistence.OrderColumn - JPA annotation
How to implement override value of the defined generator strategy
How to implement a custom application GenericGenerator for complex Identifiers
When and why JPA entities should implement the Serializable interface
How to Handle NULL Values while Ordering Query Results in JPQL (NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST)
How to override @GeneratedValue strategy with @GenericGenerator annotation
- The defined business id it is used instead, instead of the value provides by @GeneratedValue.
- The @GeneratedValue implementation should not be executed if the business identifier has already defined.
How to Map properties with database transformations using @ColumnTransformer hibernate annotation
Hibernate SortNatural and SortComparator annotations