This is the Github repository with sample applications for the presentation Quarkus in Real World Deployments.
The purpose of these sample applications is to showcase typical use cases and the experience that the authors had when adopted Quarkus to develop applications.
The project showcases two services. The Legume Service, used to Create, Read, Update and Delete Legumes. Each time a Legume is created, a new event with that information is produced and published to RabbitMQ. This allows other services, interested in the event to subscribe and consume it to perform additional actions.
The Hero Service consumes the event published by the Legume Service and transform the Legume into a Super Hero Legume.
Both Legume and Hero Service store the data into a Posgres database.
A separate R Service also exists in the project structure. This service showcases the Polyglot capabilities of GraalVM by mixing Java and R code in the same project. The R Service exposes a Calculator with the most common operations, with JAX-RS and the actual Calculator functions are provided by R.
The project is split into several modules:
- legume-service (a CRUD service to manage Legumes. When a new Legume is created it will be posted to RabbitMQ).
- hero-service (Consumes messages from RabbitMQ. It will transform Legumes into Hero Legumes).
- camel-support (A custom Camel ProcessorFactory to fix a cache issue with the RabbitMQ adapter).
- r-service (A Calculator service, with operations implemented in R and exposed with JAX-RS endpoints).
Just use Maven to build the project with the following command:
mvn install
You can also build Docker Images to run the apps:
docker-compose build
The easiest way to run the the entire system is to use docker-compose
. This will run the apps, plus some
required infrastructure, like a posgres database and a rabbitmq message broker.
docker-compose up
And then you can use the following command to remove all the containers:
docker-compose down
You always going to need to use docker-compose
to run the required infrastructure, but you can run the apps directly
with your JVM so you can play and change them around. Run only the infrastructure:
docker-compose up database rabbitmq
Then you run both legume-service
and hero-service
by going to each module folder and running the commands (depending on the project):
java -jar target/legume-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
java -Dquarkus.http.port=8081 -jar target/hero-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
There is no UI to test the application. You can use a curl
command to send a payload and check the applications:
curl -v -XPOST http://localhost:8080/legumes -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"Broccoli","description":"Green Plant"}'
Install GraalVM Native Image binary with:
gu install native-image
Make sure that you have an envirobment variable GRAALVM_HOME
pointing to your GraalVM installation. With this you
should be able to compile both Legume and Hero services as native binaries and run them without a JVM:
mvn package -Pnative
This is going to generate a binary executable. Run with:
./target/hero-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner -Dquarkus.http.port=8081
Make sure that you use GraalVM as your JVM to run the application. You need to point JAVA_HOME
to GraalVM.
First your must have the R
language installed in your GraalVM:
gu install R
Then, just use Maven to build the project:
mvn install -Pall
Move to the r-service folder
and run:
java -jar target/r-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
Just use the following curl
commands to perform operations:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8090/calculator/subtract -d 'x=1&y=2.1'
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8090/calculator/add -d 'x=1&y=1'
The first call is slow, since it requires to start the R context. After that, subsequent calls are fast.